geneva county reaper obituaries
The Masonic Lodge conducted the closing exercises of the interment, which was in the Hartford cemetery. Mr. McGowin left his office on Thursday morning, ostensibly to go to the lumber mill which he was operating near Red Level, with the understanding that he would return about 4 p.m. SMITH, WALTER Elbert Smith, officiating. Burial was in Geneva cemetery with Pittman Funeral Home directing. Sorrells Funeral Home Obituaries (Jesse Aycock obituary, Geneva County Reaper, 09 Nov 1923, P 5. The services were conducted by Rev. Geneva: Geneva County Citizen. A dispatch was received in Geneva Saturday afternoon, stating that Carl Sims, son of A. W. Sims, residing on route one Geneva, had departed this life in Philadelphia as a result of diphtheria. and Mrs. W.B. Transcribed by SLH). universe to remove from our midst our much esteemed and beloved brother, Dr. Alexander departed this life last Thursday, and the remains were interred in the Geneva cemetery Friday afternoon. F. M. Newman, Andalusia drayman, who was on the Florala road Thursday, saw a car about 300 or 400 yards off the road near Acree school house. Transcribed by SLH) Transcribed by SLH) (Geneva, Ala.) 1901-1910s, Geneva: Geneva Record. Ida cemetery Tuesday. Sellers, and was about 16 years of age. SIMMONS, Mrs. Noah H. Mixon, the Samson attorney who last Wednesday drank ammonia through a mistake, succumbed to the effects of the poisonous drug Friday morning. A. Cullifer. Mrs. McInnis had been in her usual health up until 10 oclock Friday morning, at which time she was stricken with paralysis while at work about the home. His family has our sympathy. submission. (Geneva, Ala.) 1910s-Current, Geneva: Geneva Journal. Transcribed by SLH), MORGAN, MRS. ROBERT Her father and mother preceded her to the eternal land. (Geneva, Geneva County Reaper, 21 Nov 1919. perpetual peace. M. P. Metcalf, citizen of Dothan, dropped dead on the corner of Foster and Newton streets last week. on Transcribed by SLH), MARLOW, Mrs. Geneva Mrs. Dallas Metcalf, who has long been a bed-ridden invalid, passed to her final reward Monday night between ten and eleven oclock. She leaves a father, mother, brother, four sisters, many other relatives and a host of friends to mourn her departure. When the order to "stack arms" came on that never to be forgotten day, "Uncle Rich" was the only member left of his gallant company, "K", Fifth Alabama Infantry. May the Heavenly Father's blessings rest upon one and all. Burial will follow at Lowery Church of Christ Cemetery with Pittman Funeral Home of, Reuben Howard McDuffie of Samson passed away on Sunday, February 19, 2023. (Geneva County Reaper, 09 Jun 1922, P 4. compiled & contributed by Susan O'Keefe The pastor, Rev. She was a wonderful mother who loved her family and loved the Lord. Harper New Brockton; He surrendered with General Lee at Appomattox. Sunday morning marked the passing of another of Genevas leading business (Geneva County Reaper,11 Jan 1924, P 6. The bereaved parents have the sympathy of the entire community in their sad affliction. Thames officiating. (Geneva County Reaper, 23 Jun 1922, P 3. (Geneva County Reaper, 15 June 1923, P 2. SMITH, Wm Transcribed by SLH) McLENDON, DENNIS Statewide Public Notices. (Geneva County Reaper, 10 Mar 1922, P 5. (Geneva County Reaper, 08 Feb 1924, P 3. The remains were interred Tuesday. (Geneva, Geneva County Reaper, 28 Nov 1919. She was a mother of Mrs. Robert Haddon. Mr. and Mrs. Martin have the sympathy of a large circle of friends in their sad bereavement. Monroe Smith, of Geneva, departed this life Sunday evening and was laid to rest in the Geneva cemetery Monday afternoon. His aged wife preceded him to the great beyond about two weeks ago. Note: Affiliate links are used within the directory on this site and a small contribution goes to the website for some purchases made. Transcribed by SLH), MANNING, S.J. County, AL obituaries, deaths, cemetery and SMITH, JAMES Mr. Latimer was born in Orion, Pike County, Alabama Mr. McGowan has for many years been a citizen of Andalusia and during this time has been a lumber dealer and engaged in other lines of business. old school. Geneva County Mr. Armstrong was dragged some 15 feet and severely injured and died Tuesday morning at 8 oclock. He made his home with Mr. Raley, about seven miles north of town, where he died last Wednesday.Holmes County Advertiser. and Mrs. A.E. Funeral services were held Saturday afternoon at 2 oclock at Geneva The remains were laid to rest in Poplar Head cemetery Saturday morning. Allen, which occurred near here August 6th was one of the saddest this community has ever known. Visit this link to create a free obituary then read the advantages of creating an obituary on Echovita and either click Start now or Create an obituary for your loved to begin. The many friends While she lay suffering agonies, she was forced to witness three large hogs devour her three-months-old child, which she laid on the ground while she worked. Steward obituary, Geneva County Reaper, 23 Dec 1921, P 5. Gilead cemetery for interment. J. Albert Speight and Frank Davis were arrested, charged with the murder. Jimmy Loyd Caraway. For more information on how to locate offline newspapers, see our article on Locating Offline Newspapers. Newspaper The South Alabamian. (Geneva County Reaper, 25 May 1923, P 3. Sidney F. Latimer, who quietly passed away February 14, 1896 and, Whereas, Gilead cemetery for interment Sunday, where the last sad rites were conducted by Jamsey Collins. Coatney, from Geneva, conducted the burial services. Mrs. Babe Messer passed to the great beyond last Tuesday and was buried at Christian Home Wednesday. Tommy Bennett McKinnon. Johnson, Sr. who passed to his final reward about a year ago. Source: Montgomery Advertiser, June 14, 1916 - Transcribed by Jeanie Neil, SKIPPER, BETTY (Will Maund obituary, Geneva County Reaper, 16 Mar 1923, P4. services being conducted by Rev. (Slocomb, Ala.) 1929-1930, Slocomb: Slocomb News. South Alabamian 1886-1887 (Geneva County Reaper, 02 Apr 1920, P 2. most profound and tender sympathy and point them to the great Redeemer for The deceased was born in 1849 and served in the Confederate army. Mr. Metcalf was a native of Dale county, having been born near Ozark. Funeral services were held at the Methodist church at Slocomb and the boy was buried at Midland City, the old family home. County, Devotedly, Mr. and Mrs. A.E. Transcribed by SLH) OWENS The infant baby of John Owens was buried at Pond Town Sunday afternoon. Transcribed by SLH), Deaths in Geneva County during the month of April, 1922: Lucy Watson, Mary Watson, John Quincy Phillips, Bonnie Lee Belin, William James Bottoms, infant of Wiley McCoy, Mary Harris Mrs. Cora Stevens, Monroe Caraway, William J. precious promise of a glorious resurrection in the cloudless sky of perpetual, Bartis Harper officiated at the funeral. Transcribed by HEH) T. E. Ross conducted the services. J. Funeral services will be held at 2:00 . Transcribed by SLH) All material contained on these pages is furnished for the free use of Mr. and Mrs. John Gray, of Abbeville, attended the funeral on Sunday of Mrs. Grays aunt, Mrs. D. G. McInnis. search results can include place and date of death, names of But night came on and he had not returned. (Geneva County Reaper, 15 Dec 1922, P 5. (Geneva County Reaper, 22 June 1923, P 5. R.J. O'Bryant officiating. Jr. of Geneva, ala. 13 grandchildren and 10 great grandchildren. During the past year she had been a student of the Kinsaul School and had made an admirable record, and she will be sadly missed by her classmates. Transcribed by Heather Holley). Transcribed by HEH), Mrs. Marlow departed this life Monday and was laid to rest in Thurston cemetery Tuesday. Austin, was dead. METCALF, P.M. One person killed in 331 wreck. SNUGGS Mrs. Atkins, who resided on Mr. Newells place, departed this life last Sunday afternoon and was laid to rest at Coffee Springs. He commanded the love and respect of all who knew him. Find all the information for Geneva County Reaper on MerchantCircle. U.S. Social Security Death Index 1935-2014 search this death index database of over 94 million records. The funeral service was largely attended and were conducted at the Presbyterian Church by Mr. Erwin, a Presbyterian minister of DeFuniak, Fla. The death last week of William A. Sauls, aged 103, removes from among us the oldest citizen of Holmes County. search online Public Meetings. Transcribed by SLH), MAUND, WILL (Geneva County Reaper, 19 May 1922, P 8. He was a hardware salesman (Stokes obituary, Geneva County Reaper, 31 Aug 1923, P 6. Mrs. John Summerlin, who had been an invalid for some time past, passed away Tuesday of last week, and was laid to rest in Poplar Head cemetery Wednesday afternoon. by two sisters-in-law, Mrs. S.F. Faulk in Geneva. Transcribed by Heather Holley). Transcribed by SLH), HOMENEWS INDEX DEATH INDEX OBIT INDEX. of all of whom is extended to the wife, child, brothers and sisters of a man (Geneva County Reaper, 23 Nov 1923, P 6. Andalusia, Ala., Jan. 20.Citizens of Andalusia and Covington county were shocked Friday morning to hear the news that A. P. McGowin, prominent lumber man and widely known citizen, was found dead in his car near Acree school building with a Winchester rifle near the body. Public Notices. (Geneva County Reaper, 09 Apr 1920, P 2. County, AL obituaries, deaths, cemetery and Lee Mixon officiated. The deceased is survived by his widow, two sons, S.F., Jr. McLEOD, ELIZABETH She is survived He was an active member of the Andalusia Chamber of Commerce and a member of the Kiwanis Club. Bartis Harper officiating. About noon, Monday, September 3, Mr. Benjamin A. Latimer departed this life Mr. Sellars had been at work on the government snag boat at Carryville, where he contracted malarial fever about two weeks ago. Geneva, AL Obituaries Transcribed by SLH), ALEXANDER, MATRILDA That in the death of Mrs. Johnson this Auxiliary has lost a member who was She was 87. He had long been a sufferer from Bright's disease, and had but recently returned from Johns Hopkins Hospital, Baltimore, Md., wither he went for relief. Mr. W.J. She was married to her first and only love, Charles Edward Wratchford, for 69 years. member of the family. MIMS, MARGARET Interment took place at Travelers Rest cemetery. He had left his home about seven oclock on Headland Avenue and had reached Newton Street on Foster when he was stricken. C. J. This good woman led an exemplary life, was a member of the Presbyterian Church, and a teacher in the Sunday School. for years, been a member of the local Presbyterian church. He lingered until Thursday morning, when he passed away. At the time of his death he was one of the most prominent merchants in the county and the largest livestock buyer and shipper in this section of the state. Provided by HEH), McINNIS, SARAH He was approximately 51 years of age at his death. Will Simmons Killed by Bolt at Geneva Transcribed by SLH), ANDERSON, ARTHUR Danny Branch, officiating. When the Spanish-American War and also the great European War came on he was ready to serve in any way in the cause of the Stars and Stripes. D. Smith, who gave his life in the World War, reached home last Thursday and were laid in their last resting place at Pondtown Friday. Deceased leaves a wife and one daughter, Mrs. Philip Chancy, his daughter residing in Hartford. He partially recovered and was removed to his home here. The injured are the two daughters and one young son of Issac Smith. death of Mr. Latimer and deeply sympathize with the bereaved ones in their The cause of the accident could not be learned. Whittle surrendered to the sheriff at Geneva, driving to the county seat immediately after the killing. The remains of Private Wm. cemeteries, death records Geneva County, AL Obituaries and Funeral Home Records, Warren Holloway Ward Funeral Home Obituaries, Geneva MILES, DANIEL She was the daughter of Mrs. Sarah E. Collins, of Hartford, was 26 years old and is survived by her husband, Jake Alexander, and four small children, one but three days old. Mrs. Bertha Leigh Latimer, age 86 of 307 Academy Street, a resident of Geneva Transcribed by SLH) Transcribed by SLH), ARD, MILLIAGE The remains were interred in the Geneva cemetery Saturday. He was taken to Camp Chase, Ohio, where he again volunteered for service on the Texas frontier, with E. Kirly Smiths Confederate Army. (Geneva County Reaper, 16 Feb 1923, P 4. It is stated that he was in the set of dynamiting the vat when he met his death, some person who was lying in wait shooting him. Latimer, Jr., Abbeville; Mrs. Marlow, mother of W.D. (Geneva County Reaper, 27 Jan 1922, P 6. Steward, one of our leading citizens, died Saturday afternoon after a short illness. He is survived by a wife, 13 children, 39 grandchildren and 16 great grandchildren. Ben Baxley, after which the remains were interred in New Hope cemetery. The Geneva County Reaper, Geneva County's community newspaper these pages do so in recognition of its free, non-commercial distribution, The family has our greatest sympathy. STAFFORD Earl, the only child of Rev. Sam Totten and Rev. (Weekly Journal Miner, Prescott, Az., March 11, 1896), OGLETREE, ED Wade Armstrong, 70 years of age, and a resident of Graceville, was run over Saturday morning in crossing the road by a negro driver of an automobile. Transcribed by SLH) Transcribed by SLH), ADAMS, C.B. He left a wife, father, and three brothers and a host of other relatives and friends to mourn his loss. (Geneva County Reaper, 16 Jan 1920, P 1. SAULS, WILLIAM is in violation of the law. He is still unconscious from the accident and small hope is entertained for his recovery. He was in the barn of a neighbor when the lightning struck the barn, killing him and two mules instantly. Monday afternoon about 4 oclock the 18-year-old daughter of W. Y. Martin was struck by lightning and instantly killed while picking cotton on her fathers farm near Gilleys mill, northwest of Hartford. beneficiaries who died between the years 1850 and 2010 Transcribed by Heather Holley) without consent Earl Gene Wise of Coffee Springs, passed away on Monday, January 16, 2023. 23, with Rev. (Geneva County Reaper, 29 Feb 1924, P 4. (Geneva County Reaper, 12 Mar 1920, P 1. (Geneva County Reaper, 03 Feb 1922, P 2. -- Mrs. -(Montgomery Advertiser, Jan. 22, 1929 ), ALLEN, G.W.
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