link's awakening face shrine missing key
The blocks in this room should be lowered allowing you to maneuver around. So I opened all of the chests on the map but I am missing one to open the nightmare key whose chest is located at M. I even got the small keys at locations G and K. I opened all chests and looked for keys in every room. Optional: Piece of Heart #28 Enemies:Wizzrobe, Giant Bubble, Flying Tile, Smasher, Thwomp, Beamos, Facade After breaking a few jars, he found a switch in the top left corner. Push the blocks out of the way and exit the cave. With the cracked block out of the way, hookshot across the gap and snag the heart piece. looking for key themes . With no where else to go, he destroyed the door with the Elephant statue and proceeded. You need to toss them so that land and fit perfectly in the two squares with green squares. The Face Key is a "key" item in The Legend of Zelda: Link's Awakening. The island is just a dream? Enemies:Armos, Armos Knight Hitting him 4 times will kill him. Inside this cave there are a few enemies but they are currently invisible. Defeat the two Keese and two Stalfos to reveal a chest. Lets now backtrack left two screens and down two screens to get back to the room with the mask-mimic. Once underground, Link avoided the fish there, and then came upon a large cavern. Hit the crystal to lower the orange tile. Your best bet is to freeze them with the hookshot or boomerang when they appear and then quickly place a bomb to defeat them. Blowup the nearby boulder with some bombs and then hookshot across the gap. Enticed by the treasure chest on the ledge, Link went through the door leading south. Return to the Mysterious Forest and at the north-central part of the forest, there is a cave surrounded by three blocks. After rescuing Link in the game's introductory sequence, she'll also save the day later on when she helps. Handle these Dodongo Snakes the same way you did in Key Cavern. There is a locked door above and we should have a small key. Loop around the room with the Vacuum Mouth to take out all the Green Zols and unlock the door. The Legend of Zelda: Link's Awakening walkthrough - Key Cavern (Part 4) (opens in new tab) The Legend of Zelda: Link's Awakening walkthrough - Angler's Tunnel (Part 5) (opens in new tab) The room on the right of the entrance was easily cleared by dashing through with the Pegasus Boots, making sure no statues would inhibit his dash by going at the right time. In the room with the two elephant statues, unlock the door at the top. The numbers below correspond to the numbers on the map above. Before heading to Face Shrine, we can play the Rapids Ride mini-game. Go to Richard's Villa in Ukuku Prairie and speak with him about the Slime Key. The Face Key is dropped by the Armos Knight located in the Ancient Ruins. Use your final small key on the locked block and then head up two screens. He collected his prize, a Silver Rupee, then ascended the stairs. When Link entered, he immediately had to choose which way to go. Pick up the Black Knight piece. The keyhole for Face Shrine is on the right. Since we hit the crystal switch in the previous room, the blocks have changed. On the other side, Link happily opened the chest there, and gained 50 rupees! Something went wrong. It landed perfectly! Trading Sequence Item #15 - Boomerang Back in the next room, Link had to find a way out. All Necrons, from the lowliest of warriors to the most regal of lords, are driven by one ultimate goal, to restore their ancient ruling dynasties to glory and to bring the galaxy under their rule once more, as it was in ancient days. The Armos Knight is a mini-boss from The Legend of Zelda: Link's Awakening. It is the location of the Coral Triangle. Jump over with Rocs Feather to grab the heart piece. Now that we have six out of eight Instruments, we are called to the mountains, where the last two dungeons reside. Trading Sequence Item #14 - Magnifying Glass Optional: Piece of Heart #29 Our next step is at the northeast corner of Animal Village. Link was immediately locked in with two familiar faces: Dodongo Snakes! Hoot! The Defeat the mask-mimic in this room and then stand near the exit at the top-right part of the room. Climb down the steps and enter the water to the north. A fairy was inside - which he captured for later. You can only hold one at a time. Charge past the Thwumps with the boots and go up. In the first phase of the battle, tiles will fly out towards you, as well as flying jars afterward. Use the hookshot to grapple over to the vines and climb the ladder to reach the heart piece. After all the jars are gone, holes will start to appear on the floor, so just keep moving around. Climb the steps in this room and follow along the path for a few screens until you reach an owl statue. You can lift up the pot on the right side of the room to find a fairy floating around underneath. Pick up the White Knight chess piece. The best bet is to equip Rocs Feather and to jump before the Knight hits the ground, so that Link doesnt lose his footing. If you travel to the right there are four statues here, and the one at the bottom-right has a staircase underneath him. Privacy Policy. The Flash - Official Big Game Teaser Trailer, Tomb Raider: Reloaded - Official Launch Trailer, Children of the Corn (2023) - Official Red Band Trailer, The Legend of Zelda: Link's Awakening Switch Version Walkthrough, Fly Like a Bird to Eagle's Tower Walkthrough, Wanted: Dead - 11 Things You Need to Know. Based on the short story by Stephen King, Children of the Corn is a chilling new re-telling for a whole new generation. Path unblocked, Link continued to the left. Facade is a rather easy boss. Push the block that is at the bottom of the screen to the right. Elephant the door on the left and go through. Work through the maze lifting rocks to get to the top left. An understanding of the sacred architecture of the various traditions can be approached from two complementary but opposite poles, either from the perspective of an offering toward God or as a sacred place for the approach and encounter with God. The Face Shrine is the sixth dungeon in Zelda: Link's Awakening, following on from exploring the Ancient Ruins. Ignore the portal for now and just head up a screen. By submitting your email, you agree to our, Links Awakening guide: Face Shrine walkthrough, Collectibles, important items, and quests, Sign up for the When you start the Rapids Ride, travel all the way to the far left. A Link to the Past: Tail Cave: Link's Awakening: Bottle Grotto: Link's Awakening: Key Cavern: Link's Awakening: Angler's Tunnel: Link's Awakening: Catfish's Maw: Link's Awakening: Face Shrine: Link's Awakening: Eagle's Tower: Link's Awakening: Turtle Rock: Link's Awakening: Wind Fish's Egg: Link's Awakening: Inside the Deku Tree: Ocarina of . However, we did collect the Face Key and this will now allow us to enter north Face Shrine, so lets backtrack through this Ancient Ruins and exit the sandy area. From the treasure chest with the Nightmare Key, walk down and jump off the ledge. The underground passageway was filled with enemies and huge, floating green slimes. Optional: Secret Seashell #39 . Stand two squares to the left of the blue tiles, throw your boomerang, and immediately move right. He supposes that's why this place is called Face Shrine! [2] Gallery Artwork of the Face Key from The Legend of Zelda: Link's Awakening Nintendo Player's Guide by Nintendo of America If you are playing on the Nintendo Switch version, check out the Face Shrine Walkthrough. When it explodes, it will hurt Facade. Walk around the room so the four green zols are revealed and the vacuum will suck them in so they fall into the abyss. Based on the short story by Stephen King, Children of the Corn is a chilling new re-telling for a whole new generation. In the final room, Link found a literal face, on the floor. Link made quick work of them, causing a chest to appear that contained the Face Shrine Dungeon Map! Head left and up while ignoring the enemies for now. Take out the enemies with your Boomerang. Run away to avoid the holes that open in the floor. Use the hookshot on the rock on the left side to get across the gap. Now backtrack down three screens and left a screen. Kill the one on the left to find some stairs. Jump the gap up, kill the Wizzrobe, push the block right, and go up. Trade it to the Quadruplets' mother for a Ribbon. Stand on the bottom left corner blue tile, and throw it right. Toss a bomb towards the block to blow it up. He hit the crystal with his Boomerang so the orange tile at the top of the stairs was down. From the hallway chess puzzle, go left and down the stairs. "significantLink": "", He defeated the enemies here, and went through the door that opened. A little richer, Link went back into the switch room. Travel to the area just north of the Ancient Ruins. You'll have to jump down and come all the way back to this area. The flaming skull, an anti-fairy, even produced a Fairy when defeated! In the next room, instead of using his single Small Key to open the door to the north, he lifted an Elephant statue and broke the door on the right. Heart Pieces:#23, #24, #25, #26 Link easily bypassed the falling, angry blocks here by using his Pegasus Boots. In exchange for the shovel, you will get the Boomerang. Then there is Rapids Race, which as its name implies, is a race to the finish with rewards given depending on how fast Link gets through. Go to Mabe Village to return BowWow, and buy a shovel from the shop. There are four green zol in this room. Link picked up the new Heart Container and moved on. A bright high schooler who won't go along with the plan is the town's only hope of survival. { If you just keeping head up and up, youll be just repeating rooms in an endless maze. Win the Yoshi Doll from Trendy Game. Handle the Wizzrobes, and use your boomerang to open the path right. (We also had a lot of luck attacking with the Bow the Boomerang should also work from its right side.). It's used to open the Face Shrine, the sixth dungeon in the game. The Legend of Zelda: Link's Awakening System: Nintendo Switch Also Available For: GB Publisher: Nintendo Developer: Nintendo Genre: Action, Adventure Players: 1 Release Date: Nintendo Switch. Toss it at the closed door to open it and then head up a screen. Link lifted up the elephant statue on the left, revealing a hidden staircase! When you have defeated all the enemies, head up through the door that opens up. For a moment, he considered making the jump but thought better of it, and used the Hookshot on the rock on the other side instead. Walk right a screen and light the torches in this dark room. Human, Monster, Sea, Sky A scene on the lid of a sleepers eye Awake the Dreamer and Koholint will vanish much like a bubble on a needle Castaway You should know the truth! With the key in hand, backtrack, down a screen, left two, up one, and left a screen. Turn in your 40 seashells to earn the Koholint Sword! He had yet to explore the room to the south of here, so he knew this must be where he should go. Just north of the Ancient Ruins, make your way through the maze of bushes and rocks. From the floor tile room, head down a screen and the doors will close. Instead, use the power bracelet and lift up the block on the left side of the room to find a staircase. Seashells:#41. Along the way, theyll acquire run-specific abilities alongside permanent rewards like new gear, collect resources to help improve Laras stats and unlock new outfits, such as her fan-favorite bomber jacket. 9601216; 30 KB; Oct 14, 2012; 9601216; 38 KB; Nov 13, 2006 First, you can get all but the last Piece of Heart in the game. Enter the building at the northeast corner of Animal Village and youll find a Zora sitting in the pond. Dark Bats appear exclusively within the Hero's Shrine, the first dungeon in the game.These enemies can be harmful to Tingle, taking away seven [[Rupee]s at a time.At the time Tingle first encounters these enemies, he'll already have the Bodyguard, Teddy Todo with him. He also learned another disturbing fact from Facade: everything would disappear if he woke the Wind Fish! Trade the Ribbon to CiaoCiao at BowWow's house for Dog Food. So stand three squares over and one square down and toss the horse head in that direction. With full power, use the nightmare key and head up a screen to take on the dungeon boss, Facade. Youre going to need the Secret Medicine for the last two. by David Johnson on January 19, 2017. But before he moved on, Link equipped a bottle and broke the jar to his right. Finding the Face Key and the Face Shrine is a pretty linear process, so well keep it together in the guide below. On the second screen, climb the ladder to resurface at another part of the dungeon. When he ascended, Link was again assaulted by flying tiles. Boomerang in hand, he could reach them regardless if they were behind obstacles or not. Walk around the corner and youll see a cracked block. Face Dungeon starts at 9:22. If you continue up a screen from this room, youll find yourself back in a previous room. Defeat the two wizzrobes found in this room and collect the small key that drops from the ceiling. Either light both torches to get a fairy, or just use the boomerang on one of the sparks to get a fairy. TO THE FINDER THE ISLE OF KOHOLINT IS BUT AN ILLUSION. Once you have collected 40 Secret Seashells, warp over to the Seashell Mansion. Link is a Hylian youth who characteristically wears a green tunic and pointed cap. Toss the horse heads until they land correctly and then backtrack down two screens. Backtrack down two screens to get back to the room where we got the dungeon map. Go south to Toronbo Shores to fetch your Sword. The door on the left was locked, so Link looked around for a solution. 1 Answer Sorted by: 1 The key to the Face Shrine is in the Southern Face Shrine. He saw nothing of interest in the next room at first, so he kept going and found himself in another part of the dungeon. The second part, after page 343, is the same complete Ten Volume set, including all the advertising as originally published. attempts to link prophecy with particular current events are almost invariably incorrect, as history shows. Swim to the island and hit the Armos Statue on the left to activate it. Welcome to The Legend of Zelda: Link's Awakening Switch Version Walkthrough! After completing Catfishs Maw, there are more chambers that Link can complete over in the Chamber Dungeon. Pick up the. 5. Visit Dampes Shack to arrange and then complete the chambers. Secondary fridge horror aspect: if Link is trapped in a dream, that means his physical body is also alive out there somewhere, presumably succumbing to exposure in the open ocean. Our Links Awakening Face Shrine walkthrough shows you how to find the dungeon entrance, navigate every room, solve every puzzle, and beat every boss. Wait for his face to show up and then drop a bomb on it. 12.1 Arrive at the North Face Shrine. Link ran up to the treasure chest on the left and opened it, gaining the Level 2 Power Bracelet! This is a walkthrough for the 6th dungeon in The Legend of Zelda: Links Awakening (Remake) for the Nintendo Switch. The map above shows an overview of the Face Shrine dungeon. A bright high schooler who won't go along with the plan is the town's only hope of survival. Our next step is in Animal Village where there are now a few goodies we can take care of. Throw the horse heads and hit the orb while you are on top of the barrier and get the chest for the rupees. Defeat the enemy once again and then hit the crystal switch in this room so that all four blocks are up. The Legend of Zelda: Link's Awakening Wiki Guide, The Legend of Zelda: Link's Awakening Walkthrough, How to get Rupees Fast in Link's Awakening, Link's Awakening Switch Remake Differences, 1993 Link's Awakening Collectibles Archive, Heart Piece and Secret Seashell Locations. "url": "", Our Link's Awakening Key Cavern walkthrough shows you how to find the dungeon entrance, navigate every room, solve every puzzle, and beat every boss. Follow the pathway on the ground and it leads you to the wall on the right side. Dash under the Thwomps to the right. Otherwise, simply go to the Ancient Ruins, north of Animal Village, and defeat the mini-boss inside. After the tunnel, survive another attack by Flying Tiles. It can also be used double-time at 200 BPM. Drop a bomb against the cracked wall and enter the cave. Make your way to the Witchs Hut, located just west of the Cemetery in the Koholint Prairie. Equip the Shovel and trade it to the Goriya. Swim to the right and then climb the steps. Seashells:#39, #40. Get the wizrobe by just knocking into the holes and watch out for the green lazer. 12.7 Crack open the Nightmare Key's chest. Finally some light shed about this strange island. Do this so that you are above the switch and then head up a screen along the right side. You have to drop bombs so that they explode on his face. Open the treasure chest here to get a Secret Seashell. He stood on the outer edge of the second block from the peice, and one south, and threw the piece. Jump over with Rocs Feather to grab the heart piece. Items:Koholint Sword He quickly pulled out his Bombs and readied his Bottles, too, knowing that defeating these would release Fairies. 6 4 4 comments Best Back in the room with the three pols voice, lets head down a screen. Head left and jump down into the water and go up. Using the Roc's Feather and the Boomerang, Link made quick work of the Wizzrobe in the next room. Legend of Zelda Walkthroughs, News, Guides, Videos, Music, Media, and More It immediately tried to smash Link with the orb, which Link skillfully dodged. Unable to stab or shoot the floor, Link immediately thought to bomb it! The cave at the northeast portion of the area outside the Face Shrine leads up to the Rapids Ride. Kill the four Green Slimes and open the chest. Enter the building at the northeast corner of Animal Village and youll find a Zora sitting in the pond. He hit the switch so he could again stand on a tile, but this time he stood on the tile in the top left. Now on the other side, he climbed the stairs to the raised pathway and made his way to the treasure chest. Play the Rapids Race and finish the race in under 30-seconds to earn a Chamber Stone. Swim down to the tiny island with two Armos. Walk up the steps to exit the cave. The Knight will chase you around the room and jump. Walk up a screen through the open door. Knowing they moved two spaces forward and one to the side, he threw the black piece to the left from two spaces away and one space down, and then did the same to the white one, opening the pathway. Eventually, the floor began to give way to pits, but Link was ready for that, too. Walk around the corner and youll see a cracked block. That is, unless Barry can coax a very different Batman out of retirement and rescue an imprisoned Kryptonian albeit not the one hes looking for. Climb down the steps and youll find a piece of heart in this cave. From the Ancient Ruins, Link went north, through the maze of heavy stones, back to where he previously found the Fairy Fountain. Route To Ancient Ruins Prior to entering into the Face Shrine, you will need to find the Face Key. This key can be found in the Ancient Ruins. Tip: Don't Destroy the Pots! He'll throw tiles at you and when that runs out he will open up holes in the ground. He was finally at the nightmare's door! If you are playing the Game Boy Color version, check out the Face Shrine Walkthrough. Use Mambo's mambo to get back to the entrance and then use the warp point. Go back up to the area above the ruins. Walk up to it and press A to place the scale we got from the mermaid on the statue, causing it to move to the side, revealing a staircase. From Animal Village, loop up and to the right to find the Ancient Ruins. You will find two dodongo snakes in this room, so defeat them just as we did earlier. Then move the block and go to the next room. Inside the cave, use your hookshot to reach the treasure chest that contains a Purple Rupee. Tip: The black piece always goes right, and the white one always goes left. Oddly, Link found himself outside next to a chest! After completing the Passageway Central chamber, Dampe will award Link with a piece of heart. So listen to the owl statue and toss a pot at it to open it up and get the Nightmare Key! Youll also need to defeat the two wizzrobes, so use the boomerang or hook shot to freeze them and finish them off with a bomb. Face mask are now the uniforms of the cult behind COMMUNISM. ), equip your Ocarina and play Marins Ballad of the Wind Fish to defeat all three at once. He pulled out his Ocarina and played the Ballad of the Wind Fish - which immediately destroyed them! 12.2 Get the L-2 Power Bracelet. He then followed the path to the right. Four Wizzrobes bombarded Link as soon as he went through the door, so he quickly equipped his Boomerang. 4. Eventually, Link emerged in a room with orange tiles everywhere. This upgraded sword will deal double the amount of damage and will also shoot out a sword beam when Link has full health. (Remember that you can return to the entrance any time with Manbos Mambo.). Please check your email to find a confirmation email, and follow the steps to confirm your humanity. Continue up, passed the room with the mini-boss and once again head down the steps on the left. Pick up the white knight. The easiest way to remove its armor and defeat it is with spin attacks. There are Armos statues (that look a lot like Daleks) that block your progress. Proud of his triumph, Link continued north. Each incarnation of Link is humble, hard-working, brave, and worthy to bear the Triforce of Courage. Alternatively, hit it twice with the. Open the treasure chest found here to get the dungeons Stone Beak. Tap against the north part of the wall to find a secret passage. Leave the dungeon with pride and congrats! First off, dive underwater, and swim through the water sequence to get outside the rocks that surround Catfishs Maw. Find the compass, map, keys, special items, and instrument in Level 6. ], Now that we have the hookshot, we can finally finish up the, Return to the Toronbo Shores and if you go to the area just to the right of where you first got your sword at the start of the game, youll find a cracked boulder in the wall; blow it up. There is an enemy vacuum on the left and four green zols are burrowed under the ground. The Magnifying Glass will allow you to see previously invisible enemies and people, along with small text in certain books. At the opening ahead, Link used his trusty hookshot to get across the gap. With the blocks up, head right a screen. Alternatively four arrows shots will defeat a wizzrobe. In the Mask-Mimic room (where the arrow starts in the image above), and make sure the crystal is orange. Open the Nightmare Door. Stand on the black tiles just left of center along the bottom, and throw it left. We already walked through to the eye room on the left side of the map and well be doing the same for the right side of the map shortly. Make your way to the Witchs Hut, located just west of the Cemetery in the Koholint Prairie. ), which he defeated by wildly slashing at them. Approach them to activate them, back off, and then hit them twice with your new Boomerang once to stun them, and again to kill them. Continue to the left through the maze and youll eventually come to a building known as Southern Face Shrine. and our The tiles lifted off the floor and hurled themselves at Link, but Link slashed at them with his sword. Once outside, make your way to the building to speak with the shop owner. Go through the underground tunnel. Go back to the Smasher room. From there, he threw his Boomerang, causing the orange tiles to raise, and continued north. Along the way, theyll acquire run-specific abilities alongside permanent rewards like new gear, collect resources to help improve Laras stats and unlock new outfits, such as her fan-favorite bomber jacket. Optional: Secret Seashell #38 That made it land in the right spot! But will making the ultimate sacrifice be enough to reset the universe? From the Smasher mini-boss, go up. Walk up the steps and open the treasure chest to get 100 rupees! Link found this was the only way to harm the monster, so he repeated this process until he defeated it. While in the cave youll find a Piece of Heart. 12.6 Reach the dungeon's eastern wing. Youll find two unlit torches and some sparks in this room. Run close to him, and drop a bomb on or near his face. Go up the stairs along the path until you get to the end and kill the ghosts in order to get the key to drop. We must first head to the shrine to the south, where ancient ruins speak of The Wind Fish. From here, use a bomb and toss it so that it explodes and defeats the wizzrobe in this room. Use the hookshot to grapple onto the vines right next to it and climb up. These flying objects can knock your bombs away. Go right. What you need to do is use the power bracelet, pick up the ball, and toss it back at smasher. Youll have to go around and reach this area by walking just north of where the sleeping Walrus was. Prize in hand, Link returned and jumped off the ledge to the door, going back the way he came. Drop a second bomb against the wall to the north and head on through. The Roc's Feather made it easy for Link to jump from ladder to ladder to the left. Just play a little dodgeball, and youll be done. Link's Awakening Walkthrough - Face Shrine This chapter covers the Nintendo Switch version of Link's Awakening. There are a number of statues here and some of them will come alive once you make contact with them. Weve marked the locations of the important items like the Compass, Stone Beak, and Map, as well as the Hookshot. Drop a second bomb against the wall to the north and head on through. Now that we have the hookshot, we can finally finish up the Trading Sequence. Make your way through the underground area and resurface back at the tile room. He defeated the one on the left, then descended the stairs it revealed. Answer Sorted by: 1 the Key to the left and four green slimes and the... Return BowWow, and one square down and come all the enemies head. A Walkthrough for the 6th dungeon in the cave at once block from the floor, used. Should have a small Key that drops from the shop owner enemies and huge, floating green slimes the,! See a link's awakening face shrine missing key block this so that all four blocks are up Hylian who... 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Link was again assaulted by flying tiles will close luck attacking with the plan is the town 's hope! After completing the passageway Central Chamber, Dampe will award Link with a piece of heart or... It up and up, kill the Wizzrobe in this room and follow along path... Of luck attacking with the Nightmare Key & # x27 ; mother for a solution: Koholint Sword he equipped. Bushes and rocks for Link to jump down and toss it back at smasher,..., holes will start to appear that contained the Face Shrine, we can take care of keep around!
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