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spending on cybersecurity is predicted to increase in the next few years. ThreatBook is a security company that provides its clients with threat intelligence solutions. Possessing a deep knowledge of offensive security, Redscans experts are among the most qualified in the industry, working as an extension of clients in-house resources to expose and address vulnerabilities plus swiftly identify and shut down breaches. In addition, OTORIO offers a broad portfolio of Cyber-expert services including converged environments Cyber Risk Assessment, Threat Intelligence, Incident Response, Penetration Testing and Training.. ThreatLandscape is a cyber threat Intelligence start-up protecting, detecting, and remediating competitions threats and breaches. Group-IBs technological leadership is built on the companys 17 years of hands-on experience in threat research, analysis, cybercrime investigations around the world and 65 000 hours of cyber security incident response. By surmounting inherent flaws that plague other products, VMRay Analyzer has become the gold standard for malware sandboxing among leading DFIR teams worldwide. Founded in 2014, the company has secured nearly $80 million in total funding, including the Series C round, according to Kashyap. NormShield provides comprehensive Security-as-a-Service solutions focused on cyber threat intelligence, vulnerability management and continuous perimeter monitoring. Advanced adversaries and targeted attacks threaten large organisations on a daily basis. Brandshields proactive aproach extends any organizations assets protection outside the organizations perimeter. Our scalable cloud-based platform turns global threat data into sophisticated and relevant intelligence, enabling organizations to save time and resource by improving their incident response performance and empowering their Security Operations team with real-time intelligence. By identifying the origins of software, Intezer equips enterprises with an advanced way to detect modern cyber threats, while providing deep context on how to effectively respond to incidents. Its approach to data-leak detection combines Artificial Intelligence and human expertise. His Football Career Over, Will Tom Brady Focus On Startup Ventures? The OneLogin platform protects your organization against threats by securing and centralizing your applications, devices, and end-users all in one, easy-to-access place. Urban escapes on the Cte d'Azur. CIPHER has also been recognized by Frost & Sullivan for its market leadership for six consecutive years. Thousands of companies and organizations rely on Comodos technology to authenticate, validate, and secure their most precious assetinformationand to combat constant cyberattacks and threats like ransomware from wreaking havoc on a global scale.. . by By understanding how attackers operate, leveraging cutting-edge threat intelligence, and offering clear and actionable advice, Redscans cyber security professionals can be trusted to provide the high-quality insight needed to successfully mitigate information security risk and achieve compliance standards.. BAE Systems Applied Intelligence (formerly Detica) is an international business and technology consulting firm owned by BAE Systems. Awake plans to use the Series C funding to expand into Europe where there is a lot of demand, due in part to a shortage of skill and automation, he said. Founded in 2000, CIPHER is a global cyber security company that provides information security products and services supported by CIPHER Intelligence, a world-class threat intelligence laboratory. 2023 Crunchbase Inc. All Rights Reserved. Hacware is an A.I. More than 1,600 companies and agencies worldwide deploy the ThreatConnect platform to fully integrate their security technologies, teams, & processes with relevant threat intelligence resulting in reduced detection to response time and enhanced asset protection.. . Ari Takanen, Rauli Kaksonen, and Mikko Varpiola founded Codenomicon in 2001, with its headquarters in Oulu in Finland, with a branch in Saratoga in California in the United States. AT&T CyberSecurity provides threat intelligence, collaborative defense, and security solutions for businesses. The proliferation of digital access has made the world more connected than ever before. KELA offers proprietary Darknet-based cyber intelligence solutions for enterprises and government agencies worldwide. BrandShield is an innovative Online Brand Protection solution. The companys service portfolio includes threat intelligence, enterprise intelligence services, executive briefing services, security intelligence, and more. It offers activity monitoring reports, due diligence tools, and cyber threat from the deep web for financial institutions, real-time application programming interface (API), web-based investigation software for due diligence, and verification of customers for bitcoin business, and web-based investigation tools to identify cyber-criminals, identification of bitcoin extortion payments made by victims to criminals, and attribution for cyber threat intelligence industries.. Zscaler is revolutionizing internet security with the industrys first Security as a Service platform. 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