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1 of them graduated both HAC and its seminary. Dont hesitate. Im so sorry for the hurt in your life that must have caused this. In all my years in Hyles church I was NEVER able to find ONE person whom Jack Hyles personally led to the Lord, even in his own fraudulent way. One, for his trips to an Illinois forest preserve, was that he needed to spend time with God walking and praying. To explain his taking the girl alone to his Michigan cabin, he told his assistant that he needed to spend extended periods of time alone with the girl to save herboth literally and spirtually. A statue of he and his wife was made in honor of him at HAC. 7. Hyles gave many financial gifts to Jennie over the years, totaling up to at least $100,000 in order to give her financial independence from her husband. http://www.georgianewsday.com/news/60563-james-harris-youth-counselor-charged-with-child-molestation.html, JAMES MCCOY FORMER YOUTH PASTOR AND ASSOCIATE PASTOR AT CENTRAL BAPTIST CHURCH IN SOUTHINGTON, CT. Sexually abused, exploited, and assaulted a teen girl in the church within a two year period. You miss the point. JACK SCHAAP CONTINUED THE CORRUPT LEGACY THAT JACK HYLES LEFT . [VIDEO] Drag Queen Drag Shows Are Now Infesting Churches, [VIDEO] Starbucks Worker Dumps Milkshake On Open Air Preachers Head, [VIDEO] Man Arrested For Threatening To Kill Female Abolitionist With Crowbar. Hyles taught that children need to be severely punished if they were disobedient. As a result, multitudes of people who were led in a prayer from a soul-winner, who used Hyles fraudulent method of soul-winning, may have had false conversions. Why would Hyles keep someone who was continually accusing him of adultery? 11) Dave Hyles had a violent temper and abused his own children. SCHAAP PERPETUATED THE SAME LEGACY THAT JACK HYLES DID. 4. EYEWITNESS #4: LINDA HYLES MURPHREY, JACK HYLES DAUGHTER. Dave committed even more adulterous affairs than he did at Miller Road Baptist. Her daughter was an eyewitness over the many years that Hyles and Jennie would have many lengthy, intimate conversations with each other, even with her mom intimately saying I love you at the end of each conversation. 2 of them had other Fundamentalist pastors and organizations honoring them. She said, My poor husband got only 3 to 4 hours sleep at night during the week while going to night college. Church buses, a familiar sight on the roads of Northwest Indiana and Chicago's South Side and suburbs, transported thousands to the church's Sunday school. Cindy Schaap, who has spent her entire life in this church, addressed the congregation during the festive occasion. It explored the cultic nature of FBCH and many other things. At Jack Hyles 70th Birthday Party, he was given $70,000 in cash in a wheelbarrow to make a Red Carpet Room dedicated to him. The trademarks, names and logos are the property of their respective companies. TERAH ALLYN RAWLINGS TEACHER OF HILLTOP CHRISTIAN SCHOOL OF HILLTOP BAPTIST CHURCH OF COLORADO SPRINGS, CO. Charged with multiple counts of sexual against a minor, a male student. You can either accept that, or not, but it doesnt change the fact that I know, based on a lifetime of experience, what I am talking about. No record of the church mentioning the victims. Hyles shared stories that motivated people to put the work of the Lord first, even if their families were sick or injured. If you ever missed a week you were told you didnt love your sailors and wanted them all to go to Hell. 1 was a member of Miller Road Baptist Church when Dave Hyles was pastor there. Dear Cindy could have been shagging the entire US airforce (though the suggestion is that any transgression on her part was at her husbands door) but that does not exonerate her husband in any way. So now she is compounding the sin by the divorce?? You are an intelligent man, and I can respect your view points with the hope that I can counter your arguments with intelligent, spiritual reasoning. His sexual abuse was not reported by The Association of Baptists for World Evangelism, until much later. HAMMOND A one-time senior pastor of the First Baptist Church of Hammond has been freed from prison after serving nine years for sexually abusing an underage girl. The members who left that same church over the scandal were also vilified. HYLES BELIEVED THAT HE WAS THE ANSWER TO THE SALVATION OF AMERICA. Instead, he groomed her for a sexual relationship he consummated during trips to Chicago and Michigan. He was big on sending others, but he himself NEVER went!, Another witness saw firsthand instances where people from Hyles school would come to where we had bus kids go through the entire area, gimmick them to a Saturday church party, and baptize them all to count them as saved.There was one time that they did this in a project we picked kids up in, and they baptized practically everyone, except for one kid who we picked up regularly. His doctrine permitted men and women guilty of sin to be able to get away with even great sins under his leadership. (Witnesses: Pastor Roger Voegltin Sermon Audio 42:10 Jack Hyles secretary). *sigh*. No record of biblical church discipline. I did not say it is not true. Did you think youd be the first to bring that to our consciousness? The truth is that those statistics are devoid of spirituality reality, and the bragging is sin. Jack Hyles believed and preached that if someone is accused of sin, you dont listen to it, you dont believe it, and you dont talk about it. The slightest questioning of Hyles authority was unthinkable and treated as rebellion worthy of ostracizing or excommunication. Four boys recounted being choked, slammed and thrown by Wilson. After they found out about it they removed him from the ministry, but when questioned about exercising Biblical church discipline, they remained silent. At Calvary Baptist Church in Petersburg, Virginia, the Christian school principle was charged in 1984 with assault and battery against a 10 year old. CBS CHICAGO: Preparing Americans FOR A NUCLEAR APOCALYPSE! Schaap engaged in disturbing and even pathological sexualization of such Bible teachings such as the Lords Supper and a Christians relationship to the Bible. Some of Hyles deacons and staff were involved in adultery, but Hyles did nothing about it when the accusations came. http://jeriwho.net/lillypad2/?cat=109, PHILLIP MADISON BUS DRIVER FOR AMAZING GRACE BAPTIST CHURCH IN STONEVILLE, NC. They refused that these allegations could be true. 6) A former member of Miller Road Baptist church wrote that he was there when David Hyles was pastor there. Hyles points out that God makes you sin for good because if you continued without sinning, youd get too prideful. They have never apologized for what they had done and even wrote a book in prison comparing their sentence to the Apostle Paul. Hes doing too much good to forfeit his chances to serve me for one little bad thing. Arrested for child molesting a 14-year-old boy who was part of the youth group. You will feel the crushing great weight of humanity as she walks over you now and forever, as the minions of miracles crush your loved ones with Humanitys Judgement, the plagues of comeuppance, the horrors of your ways! He was not a humble man. Jack Hyles was a great manipulator of people and exercised psychological crowd control on his church members. Pastor Jack Schaap, First Baptist Church of Hammond (posts) Pastor Bob Gray, Trinity Baptist in Jacksonville ( link) Pastor David Love, New Hope Baptist Church in Independence. MANY EYEWITNESSES BELIEVE THAT FBCH/HAC IS A CULT AND THAT JACK HYLES WAS A CULT LEADER . He consistently heard about and had members who witnessed the cover-ups and adulteries among deacons and staff members at FBCH. The inappropriate relationship between Schaap and the 17-year-old, however, was discovered when a church deacon saw on Schaap's cellphone a picture of Schaap and the teenager kissing. His heresy scared her more than anything Hyles did. Right here. Im more than willing to do so. I taught Cindy in school. (Witnesses: Voyle Glover p 93; Linda Hyles Murphrey 4:22, 4:42; Paula Hyles Polonco Part 2 3:20 Book Interview p 383). But did she even try?. 2. I saw things in Schaap that I did not add up until later that now make complete sense. The pastor, associate pastor, and principle are facing charges for having failed to report the alleged crimes. Charged for molesting a 16-year-old girl. The pressure that the families of the victims received from Hyles caused them to drop the charges. Some IFB churches who prescribed to Hyles style of child discipline were caught in lawsuits as well as charges over what the leadership in their Baptist schools did in severely beating certain students. The million dollar question is this: where are all of those souls? Evidence of a new birth or becoming a new creature was non-existent for most of these converts.. Hyles was quoted in saying Thank you Adam for bringing sin upon us. In six years, the teens reported 100,000 salvation decisions, though the youth Sunday School averaged only 2,500. No biblical church discipline was ever taken. She said her father was extremely abusive and was abusive for many years. They did this for at least 15 minutes. He told her that Christ wants to marry them and for them to become eternal lovers. (Schaaps wife, Cindy, divorced him in 2014.) Please read the https://brucegerencser.net/why/ After doing so, if you have any questions I will gladly answer them. Hyles would have books on how to raise children. Why didnt Hyles preach to the women that the virtuous woman is one looking well to the ways of her household? What is there I can give him anymore?Makes you sorta proud of God, doesnt it? Sermon: Im proud of God, preached 10-28-1973 (Voyle Glover p 101), I have preached over 14,000 sermons in my lifeover 14,000 sermons. He would kill you. They are bullies with no restraint. In court, Dave Hyles invoked the 5th amendment and Brenda was a no show. No one knew about the income of FBCH or Hyles Publications, not even the deacons or the Treasurer of the deacons board. After that, Hyles would ring the phone once and it would stop ringing after that. His church asked him to resign, but they chose to keep the reason he resigned a secret. 1. 2. 1 was charged with indecent liberties with a minor. 1:9, Revelation 2:21, 9:20-21, 16:11) . HYLES EXALTED HIMSELF ABOVE MOST CHRISTIANS. (Witness: Voyle Glover p 80, 180, 189, 198, 203, 205-206, 289; Pastor Roger Voegltin Sermon Audio 1:46:00). I too belong to an IFB church, and went through a divorce myself several years ago. The Church immediately took the side of the Gregory Jones and failed to conduct a genuine, impartial investigation before declaring that he is innocent. http://www.wifr.com/home/headlines/18882354.html, JOSHUA GARNER YOUTH VOLUNTEER AND SON OF TWO HYLE-ANDERSON GRADUATES WHO ARE MISSIONARIES FROM FIRST BAPTIST CHURCH OF ST. FARNCIS, MINNESOTA, Plead guilty to sexually molesting two boys under the age of 12. http://posttrib.chicagotribune.com/18835553-537/preacher-sex-with-17-year-old-was-lords-work.html#.VI5UShbaafQ, http://posttrib.chicagotribune.com/news/lake/28442049-460/schaap-blames-attorneys-for-12-year-sentence.html, http://posttrib.chicagotribune.com/news/lake/28532140-418/ex-pastor-seeks-to-reduce-12-year-sentence.html#.VI5JvxbaafQ, http://www.nwitimes.com/news/local/lake/hammond/ex-megachurch-pastor-blames-underage-victim-wants-out-of-prison/article_2ae9324b-eacf-546e-9f73-c12147f5726f.html, JEFFREY JARRELL HYLES-ANDERSON GRADUATE / FORMER YOUTH PASTOR AT CALVARY PARK BAPTIST CHURCH, PETERSBURG, VA, Took a guilty plea for molesting 11 young girls from his church. He refused to investigate accusations. His crimes were not reported to the authorities and no other churches were warned when he went to work for other churches or Trinity Baptist when he returned. It was isolating, intense, and frightening when she was little. Charged with 2 counts of attempting to commit or committing lewd acts upon a minor. JACK HYLES COVERED UP THE GROSS IMMORALITY, ADULTERIES, AND PERVERSIONS OF HIS SON DAVE HYLES . Himself or the LORD? Pastors School begins Monday, March 15, and closes with this gigantic, super colossal historic gathering on March 18.. It was a disgraceful practice! Box 610368, Port Huron, MI 48061. (Jack Hyles is preaching in this subtle way that as long as you have done many good acts for God, you can get away with sins like adultery. In this clip, we see the college girls idolizing Hyles by singing a song to him saying, We love you preacher, oh yes we do, we dont love ANYONE as much as you (Starting at 1:53-3:05), EYEWITNESSES #12-55: FOURTY-FOUR INDEPENDENT EYEWITNESSES TESTIFY ABOUT THEIR EXPERIENCE WITH FBCH/HAC, Many witnesses of FBCH/HAC posted their testimonies at these links: http://www.rapidnet.com/~jbeard/bdm/exposes/hyles/, Amazon Book Reviews: Fundamental Seduction http://www.amazon.com/Fundamental-Seduction-Jack-Hyles-Case/product-reviews/0962853186/ref=cm_cr_dp_see_all_summary?ie=UTF8& showViewpoints=1&sortBy=byRankDescending, Amazon Book Reviews: Profaned Pulpit http://www.amazon.com/Profaned-Pulpit-Schaap-Story-Volume/product-reviews/1479180297/ref=cm_cr_dp_see_all_summary?ie=UTF8& showViewpoints=1&sortBy=byRankDescending. (THERE ARE AT LEAST 53 CHARGED INDIVIDUALS). How many have been secretly let go from their positions, and are roaming free or getting involved with another Independent Baptist Church? A faculty member at HAC called Pastor Voegtlin and told him that he committed adultery with one of the students after he was caught. Caleb received a 14 years sentence while his brother received 24 years. Hyles-Anderson College is an unaccredited fundamentalist independent Baptist school in Lake County, Indiana. Several staff members, even one extremely loyal staff member left because Hyles refused to discuss the issue. He used people to build ministry contrary to his assertions that he used his ministry to build people. (Voyle Glover p 127-128, 423; Pastor Roger Voegltin Sermon Audio 31:45). Why would he permit someone who he believes has committed adultery to remain in such a high position in the church? 10 of them were placed or kept in their positions at the church with at least some of the leadership having knowledge that this person was committing or had committed crimes, and they turned a blind eye to it. HYLES WOULD USE THE FRADULENT QUICK PRAYERISM METHOD TO GET MANY PROFESSIONS OF FAITH. THIS METHOD WOULD PRODUCE MANY FALSE CONVERSIONS THAT SHOWED NO EVIDENCE OF LIFE CHANGE. How many families would have not been ruined as a result of these sins? Or is that the only way anyone can make a critical decision?) 1 was caught soliciting sex and exposing himself in public. The church continued to support him and has never instigated a church investigation into the allegations. Boasting about numbers is such a serious sin, because of mans vanity, that God judged David when he set out to number Israels armies (2 Samuel 24:3-17) . Hyles went around the country trying to keep the adulterous affairs of pastors quiet and trying to restore them back in the pulpit, or moving them into other positions. Some of them included rape and sodomy charges). Members from his church made threats against those who were molested by him who were speaking out. The church knew that Jerrell had a history of assaulting women but paid him to travel alone to preach, representing the church, acting on its behalf and holding himself out to be a Baptist preacher. Marriage by Contract signing is permitted divorcement. His pastor quietly got rid of him and did not exercise church discipline. Not a single deacon or even the Treasurer of the deacon board knew about the income of Hyles Publications. http://www.wkyt.com/home/headlines/11259416.html, http://www.theledger.com/article/20071130/NEWS/711300384, MIKE STROUF BROTHER-IN-LAW TO PASTOR JACK TRIEBER OF NORTH VALLEY BAPTIST CHURCH IN SANTA CLARA, CA. People saw him not a sinner saved by grace, but a man who had risen above the sins of mankind, whod grown in grace and strength like no other Christian they knew. Pastor Roger Voegtlin talked about a man in his congregation that hired one of Hyles deacons for a job because he wanted a good Christian to work with. (What happened to the Holy Spirit?) Even Paula Hyles Polonco, Dave Hyles wife, believes that members of FBCH are so brainwashed. http://www.courierpress.com/gleaner/news/no-headline-gl__brothers_trial_date http://jeriwho.net/lillypad2/?cat=177, JONATHON POWELL FORMER PASTOR OF NEW HOPE BAPTIST CHURCH IN MACHESNEY PARK, IL. After investigations of child abuse, the investigator concluded that Dave was the man responsible for the multiple bone breaks. Hyles said he would never criticize another Bible-believer and was so adamant about speaking evil of another person. Brock also took advantage of a 20-year-old man during spiritual counseling and asked him to join in the acts of bondage sex. This is my throne! Sermon: I Shall Not Be Moved, preached in 1973 (Voyle Glover p 147), The leader of leaders must learn to share glory. The church opened elementary and secondary schools, and Hyles-Anderson College in Schererville during the early 1970s. Another victim came forward alleging sexual abuse when she was 16 years old. You are a very sad and bitter old man. 10. 6) Every Sunday when Jack Hyles preaches, he has his wife behind him in the choir on his right, and directly on his left, he has his reputed mistress, Jennie Vischik, in the choir. Hyles tried desperately to keep Dave and Paulas marriage together through all these years. That she would catch him watching porn and making calls to other girls when he thought she wasnt looking. How many peoples faith would not have been shaken because of this adulterous man being in leadership positions in more than one church? Either way, Cindy Schaap has every right to divorce and I wish her and her family well. I once believed and now I dont. Cindy and her husband Jack Schaap saw their kingdom come, however, when Jack Schaap was sentenced to 12-years in prison for having sex with a 16-year-old, whom he was offering "pastoral" counseling. 7) There was a door that directly and privately connected Jack Hyles office to his secretary Jennie Nischiks office where Jennie could go into his office undetected if she wanted to. Knowing this first, that no prophecy of the scripture is of any private interpretation. 2Peter 1:20 KJ. He has been used of God to see 1,116,887 souls come to Christ while pastoring the Longview Baptist Temple of Longview, Texas. I said yes out of politeness, but it was all so fast. (Starting at 1:22:56-1:27:20). As we keep on updating our site to cater for our users, you are advised to always bookmark this url (http://www.studymaterials.com.ng) for easy access in the future. As anyone who spent any time in an IFB church can tell you, divorce is forbidden. Let them be bitter. (Witnesses: Voyle Glover p 8, 203 (local police chief and long-time bodyguard for Hyles News Investigation Video: Preying from the Pulpit 30:32). He was also charged with aggravated child molestation and aggravated sexual battery. http://www.sullivan-county.com/nf0/combs/ http://jeriwho.net/lillypad2/?cat=216, KERRY MARTIN FORMER HYLES-ANDERSON COLLEGE STUDENT / FORMER PREACHER AT TEMECULA VALLEY BAPTIST CHURCH IN CA. I would consider this a good model of public rebuke for any IFB church to imitate. The church finds no credibility in the charges in spite of not interviewing any of the people who brought forward the charges. Theres no excuse for that, and no amount of gods grace or forgiveness gets him off the hook. He had 295 charges linked to the sexual abuse of a 15-year-old student over a 2 year period. . But not believing it can have a significant impact on our lives. Jack Frasure Hyles (September 25, 1926 - February 6, 2001) was a leading figure in the Independent Baptist movement, having pastored the First Baptist Church of Hammond in Hammond, Indiana, from August 1959 until his death. Sentenced for abuse by dumping trash on a mentally handicapped volunteer after he was forced to lie down blindfolded in the church parking lot. 2. He viewed repentance as the same as turning from unbelief to belief. This is the next chapter in the. She never wanted to go with him she wanted to book her OWN conferences. There is no record of biblical church discipline, other than informing its members of his vague sins. (Cant believers, who are walking in the Spirit, get guidance from the Holy Spirit about critical decisions without having to go to their pastor? They described him as vicious, demeaning, berating, and humiliating. I am sorry to hear that bro.schaap One woman who was raised at FBCH and attended, HAC said, There is no spiritual growth in that congregation or student body resulting from the teaching of or study of Gods word My husband and I are often amused that (in our opinion) God took us out of church to get us into church.. No one had reached out to the victims. Kaifetz recalled that when Dave Hyles returned to FBCH after having devastating two churches with his serial adulteries, he received a standing ovation from the congregation. (Witnesses: Judy Nischik Johnson Book Interview p 394). Fathers didnt take their daughters or children out of the building where pornography was on display from the pulpit. That means Im not supposed to listen to a bunch of stuff goin around So if two witnesses come, you got probable cause. No church discipline has been done. I left. I reject salvation unconditionally. He was allowed to keep his secret as he mingled freely in the church. 866-295-4143, fbns@wayoflife.org. Thats before I heard me Sermon: When Satan Is At His Worst (Voyle Glover p 48), My secretary said the other day, Ill declare, it takes me three years to get something from God and it takes you three days. The juvenile residents knew about Wilsons anger problem. Hyles would repeatedly say in many of his sermons, Now this is something new, this is something that youve probably never heard before. Only cults use this kind of language. 9 of them were placed or kept in their positions at the church with at least some of the leadership having knowledge that this person was committing or had committed crimes, and they turned a blind eye to it.

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