mass effect humanity conquers council fanfiction


Mate is someone every werewolf waits for earnestly. Oh, I almost forgot a good one with a twist Mass Effect: Synthesis Effect. What that means is that while the galaxy willl go on for several hundred to a thousand years or something(forgot the exact time frame), it will have been thousands or tens of thousands of years within Sol. If the Council is saved, then humanity gains their full trust. theres Transcendent Humanity by Solaris242 on One branch of the Salarian military is the Special Tasks Group (STG), a highly trained group meant for reconnaissance, sabotage, infiltration, and morethat'soften deployed by the Citadel Council. The first Mass Effect game is set in the human year 2183 CE, meaning that the Council has been around for 1683 years by the time Shepard hits the scene. The salarians often handle intelligence-gathering operations as part of their Council duties, using the Special Tasks Group (STG). The Hegemony is currently classified as a rogue state after a political disagreement between them and the Council concerning human expansion in, "zone's of Batarian interest's", mainly the Skyllian Verge and Attican Traverse, and the Batarian's subsequent self-expulsion form the Citadel. Mass Effect Fan Fiction Wiki is a FANDOM Games Community. Miranda works for the Brotherhood of Nod. I know you're working for Saren. Her throat was sore already. . The hive-minded, insect-like rachni reacted with extreme hostility and initiated a large-scale war with the races of Citadel space. Perhaps something like X-com or a similar setting where humanity was beaten and slaved in Earth but eventually managed to overthrow their overlords and bounce back to become a strong space civilization. Renegade Reinterpretations builds over a dozen chapters from a weak humanity to toward an extremely strong one. it takes a direct broadside from a GDI orbital defense platform, which has six dreadnought-grade ion cannons on it, without blinking. Shepard can accept or refuse the offer. The Citadel Council in Bioware's sci-fi RPG, Mass Effect, is a group of three (or four) representatives from the most powerful races in the galaxy. Alliance colony known for being the center of the First Contact War. All that we know so far is that it involved Tiberium, the Scrin, and Shepard's face getting horribly scarred by Buzzers. And hell, it'd actually make sense since the Turians are perfectly willing to reverse-engineer and adopt new weapons or tech if it is genuinely better than their own, or covers a base they hadn't prepared for. The games attempt to explain why the different Council races perform different jobs, suggesting that no one race has enough power to take down the others, but that doesn't mean that little things aren't being slid under the rug. This conflict persisted for a century, ending only after the Council made first contact with the turians, who agreed the krogan were a threat and declared war against them. When Commander Shepard returned from the dead, thanks to Cerberus, the Council is skeptical of their former Spectre's claims about the Collectors abducting human colonies. The Council is an executive committee . "It's alright Luciana, everything will be finethey're just like you."No they're not, they have wings." As the family is shaken to their core, Aubrey and Elodie must realize their places in the world and the lives they want to lead. Humanity quickly rose to prominence and was granted an embassy on the Citadel in 2165 CE. No crazy, hard-core bdsm stuff but all more romantic\gentle in nature . Could they be doing more to help the Quarians fight the Geth or find a homeworld? As a current undergraduate student of journalism, she's seldom away from her computer. They are individuals who act either on the Council's orders or on their own initiative, to preserve galactic stability. Mass Effect Wiki is a FANDOM Games Community. What problems the Council involves itself in and what they deem to be out of their jurisdiction is vague at best. Interestingly, this is pretty much the opposite of the System Alliance's doctrine, which emphasized flexibility and mobility. No human government has ever lasted so . Those being, Aria T'loak of Omega, Jona Sederis of The Eclipse, Kruksor Wrurr of the Grand Horde, and a new arrival in the form of the Human separatist group, The Condominium of Sovereign Colonies. Take Earth from the Command & Conquer Tiberium setting, as of the end of Command and Conquer 3: Tiberium Wars, and put it in the Mass Effect setting, following the same timeline. When the Krogan started to occupy planets in Citadel space, a war known as the Krogan Rebellions started. Another species already chose synthesis in a previous cycle. humanity develops to the point where ppl can sacrifice their . Longtime residence of the Williams family. (While they have not yet been described with the full phrase, the standard description. This is a map of the galaxy just before the beginning of The Skyllian War's. This also explains the larger merc presence. But winning Vasily back will take more than tricks. The Council responded by cutting off contact with the yahg and declaring Parnack off-limits to Citadel races; the Council asserted that the extremely aggressive yahg were poorly suited to integrate with the galactic community. While the sisters are polar opposites, they are fiercely loyal to one another. The volus were the earliest known race that the Council made first contact with; in 200 BCE, the Council granted the volus an embassy at the Citadel in recognition of their contributions to Citadel space, including the Unified Banking Act which established the credit as a standard currency. At first, it was just the Asari and Salarians, but the Turians and humans joined on later. Though the Council cannot take any official action, they offer to restore full Spectre privileges to Shepard on the condition that the Commander restricts operations to the Terminus Systems. Set in the First Contact War, you have been kidnapped and have been brought to the Citadel, where you will need to meet crucial allies in order to bring peace to this war. They justify the dismissal by saying that their own intelligence sources did not uncover anything Reaper-related. Well, nothing, because Shanxi isn't within fifteen light-years of Earth. Though they have no official power over the independent governments of other species, the Council's decisions carry great weight throughout the galaxy. She scratched, slapped, tried to pull the pair of hands away from her neck but couldn't. phasing tiberium kinetic impactors with liquid-tiberium cores. . Plus they'll be able to decide the engagement at their leisure, since they'll be able to travel faster than light and we won't be. aRandomThought is an avid fanfiction reader and an active particpant in . A more centralized megastructure-bound population is easier to bombard than scattered colonists on a garden world, the political setup you're stipulated gives little plausible reason for any large defensive embankments (so none of those giant laser networks that hard sci-fi military theorists love), and with ships limited to 0.2c instead of reinforcement from Arcturus Station coming to save the day a few weeks later it'll be twenty years before anyone responds. In terms of colonizing new planets at an astonishing rate, and in terms of capacity for personal violence and rage (we explicitly possess part of the mechanism behind blood rage), humans are potentially the next krogan. Yet there would be no peace yet for the Ahaqar Set in the 616 Universe after 18 months after Superior Spider-Man where Peter Parker disappeared for nearly a year and New York has descend to chaos, This is a Spider-Ma You are my last hope, In the traditional ME timeline, he joined the Corsairs because he thought it would cut down on the red tape that the SA puts on its military, and left to join Cerberus when even Corsairs proved little better than the Marines. There are a number of smaller, aesthetic differences too, i.e. Privacy Policy. The High Council told everyone it was because she was a hybrid, but Luciana knows they truly consider her a threat because she has abilities that could make her far more powerful than even the Council's leaderso they take away the one thing that allows her to use her gifts, and put her into the Angel Academy. Terminus System's:The Terminus Systems are an expanse of space that are independent from any one space faring civilization, but is instead a hotbed for pirates gangs, warlords, mercenaries, revolutionaries, and even minor alien civilizations. But as a boyfriend? Its time to lay all the cards on the tableor risk losing everything. [1], A galactic standard year is described as being an average of asari, salarian, and turian years and only 1.09 times longer than an Earth year. This page is a list of Alliance colonies, both those in the canon and those created by users on MEFW, with stats, including location, date of establishment, and relevent trivia. Eva spoke, a stinging pain shot in her neck. Underneath the Kytinn's swarm, D'Vorah was waiting, until a distinctive boy catches her eye. The turian Councilor offers aid, suggesting that Shepard extract Primarch Fedorian for a war summit. The Council is the Outside Context Problem for humanity. But digging too far reveals a few things that don't add up. or will the timeline restart like the others? Notable for the level of depth involved in depicting the effect that a GDI-led humanity would have on the galaxy. JavaScript is disabled. Each of the Council species has general characteristics associated with the various aspects of governing the galaxy. No single Council race is strong enough to defy the others, and all have a vested interest in compromise and cooperation. Donnel Udina serves as humanity's representative to the Council regardless of previous circumstances, Anderson having resigned and resumed Alliance duties if he originally had the post. ;p. I'm already assuming they have as much defenses as reasonably possible. And of course, Transcendent Humanity was already recommended. She was panting. View her full portfolio at RELATED:Mass Effect: 10 Things You Didn't Know About Spectres. Depending on Shepard's past deeds, the salarian Councilor lives due to the sacrifice of one of Shepard's acquaintances or dies due to the lack of them. If Shepard saved the old Council they recall the last time they didn't trust Shepard, however, and if not, the new Councilors reserve a bit more judgment on Shepard's claims. When Osiris rescued Blue team from Cortana, they failed to realize that Cortana had one last Spartan to rely on., Kardashev Effect Chapter 1, a mass effect fanfic | FanFiction, WI: Citadel council explorer discover Pandora (Mass Effect/Avatar), First Contact Scenario: The Citadel Council (Mass Effect) meets the Civilization of the Five Galaxies (Uplift). "Because you are my mate!" The times of peaceful first contact ended abruptly for the Council with the accidental discovery of the rachni around 1 CE. For Zaeed, that "one very unlucky dirigible.". And no, I'm not going to be any more specific than that. The Council was formed around 500 BCE, by the human calendar. alter communications from the Citadel at will to obfuscate what happened at Eden Prime, manage to get a building-sized hologram of Kane to appear in the Council Chambers, blows out the electronics of the car that the kidnappers are driving. In terms of building big-ass war ships, making guns, and developing military strategies, humans might be the next turians. If Anderson is Councilor, the Commander can still be granted Spectre status, but this is played down as being a mostly symbolic gesture. Peptuck has stated that GDI and Nod forces will throw down with a Reaper however. The Council is contacted by the batarian ambassador, Jath'Amon, with the intention of bringing about a reconciliation between the batarians and the Citadel races. Outraged, the krogan refused. I'm not sure how you feel about magic in sci fi, I usually hate it myself, but this story interested me despite that. These member races don't seem to have a ton of pull, at least not where the Council is concerned they can bring issues to the Council's attention, but can't be part of the vote on how the Council will decide. They kill. At the end of each mission, Shepard has the opportunity to report back to the Council from the Normandy's comm room and discuss matters with them. While "new on the block" the U.T.E is very powerful for a newly discovered civilization, easily matching the Citadel in military, while losing slightly economically, but that appears to be changing as well. Not one instance of the word "Kane" anywhere in this chapter.". All details of them are classified. Give someone else a proper chance. and ME crossover where the human worlds are completely subsumed by the zone, which is what both grants them their god-like powers, and chains them, making them an op precursor race, but not one that rolls over all its enemies. apparently due to a close encounter with Scrin buzzers. No wonder Saren defected to Sovereign's side. symetri mean having balanced and more or less equal proportions or pattern. +22 more. So I wanted to restart this thread day looking at a semi plausible Type 1 Humanity in the Mass Effect universe. Mass Effect: Imperium is an alternate reality of the original Mass Effect universe. It's hard to believe they could do it with such a primitive tech level. She didn't even know him. EXTENDED SUMMARY INSIDE Has there ever been a Mass Effect fic where a race besides humanity got handed these kinds of tech boosts? Tali has already completed her pilgrimage when the story starts, which means rather than a sole Quarian on the run from Saren, she had a team of Migrant Fleet Marines with her, of which Kal'Reegar is the only survivor. The year is 2183. After Shepard secures a krogan-turian alliance by dealing with the genophage, the salarian Councilor requests via vidcomm that the Commander come to the Citadel. I have stories that are related to Anthro's, TMNT, Werewolves, and more! Much to Shepard's annoyance, throughout the post-mission briefings, the Council refuses to see the Reapers as anything more than a story Saren was using to control the geth, and dismisses the Commander's vision as a simple dream. I wanted to kill you, but I changed my mind. Either way, the galaxy would look to humanity and the Council for guidance against the Reaper threat. Species that have sufficient space travel and an established government can set up an embassy on the Citadel. . By rejecting non-essential cookies, Reddit may still use certain cookies to ensure the proper functionality of our platform. In a town where social aspirations, wealth and charm prevail they are transcendent. Black pointed sharp claws jutted out of his fingers. By 300 CE, the rachni were declared extinct. I do any character, even villains such as Saren. # 4. United we Stand Chapter 1, a Halo + Mass Effect Crossover fanfic | FanFiction. Reddit and its partners use cookies and similar technologies to provide you with a better experience. Unfortunately, the predatory yahg misinterpreted the delegation's non-subservient behaviors as an attitude of contempt and promptly slaughtered the delegates. Create an account to follow your favorite communities and start taking part in conversations. When the duke frames Vasily in an assassination plot, Belphagor will do whatever it takes to clear his lovers name and expose the real traitor. Over the past century, Belphagor has made a name for himself in Heavens Demon District as a card sharp, thief, and charming rogue. New comments cannot be posted and votes cannot be cast, (we explicitly possess part of the mechanism behind blood rage). When the Citadel fails to respond, the Council is evacuated to the Destiny Ascension, which then comes under heavy fire. RELATED: Mass Effect: 10 Reasons Miranda Is The Best Companion In The Trilogy. Do you know of any Mass Effect-like Original Fic Recs? Covering the hottest movie and TV topics that fans want. That actually FUCKING canon dialogue mass effect humanity conquers council fanfiction sources say the Council had humanity earmarked as basically a Council is!, liara and Benezia adopt a young man using biotics Days is an Alternate History/Alternate Universe fanfic that follows! Humanity won the Aeon war(fighting multiple opponents and godlike horror abominations) and are extremely advanced and have powers. Everything About Fiction You Never Wanted to Know. Also, the company that developed the Werewolf rifle is, To quote Shepard: "Most little girls had dolls. The Council ordered the recently-formed Special Tactics and Reconnaissance division to make a preemptive strike against krogan infrastructures, and the Krogan Rebellions began. /Completed/His eyes fully turned bright red and lethal, the dark grey fog surrounding him as he rose on his feet. Both Shepherd and Jacob, To a much lesser degree, there's Jacob Taylor. Systems. follow terrance sheperd, a reincarnated ME fan, as he try to stop sheperd from dieing in ME3. Ancient humanity fics are welcomed too. From this, they convinced themselves, and the galaxy at large, that Sovereign was simply a geth construct, painting Saren as the mastermind behind the battle instead. The one thing everyone knows is that the Reapers are systematic. I d-don't even know you." ROB yanks you into Mass Effect as a Spartan II. The Council is an executive committee composed of one representative each from the member species. It was enough for the Council to bar Anderson from the Spectres. Not one instance of the word "Kane" anywhere in this chapter. This page is a list of Alliance colonies, both those in the canon and those created by users on MEFW, with stats, including location, date of establishment, and relevent trivia. Gabrielle "Belle" Huston is a writer and long-time gamer based in Ottawa, Canada. Alternatively the Alliance fleet can save the Ascension and the Council, albeit at the cost of many human lives - in this event, the Council accepts that the Reapers are real and humans are invited to join the Council, with either Captain Anderson or Ambassador Udina as representative. Council Demilitarization Enforcement Mission. I haven't updated in a while, but I will post more stories as Want me to write a Shepard x Reader or anything, I'm here! They take. You are using an out of date browser. She weaves together wisdom drawn from her years as a life coach for writers and an editor at the worlds biggest publishing house with behind-the-scenes stories from a panoply of best-selling authors and career entertainers. The Citadel Council is the governing body of the Citadel. Peace has been achieved between the United Human Empire and the Citadel Council, with Humanity securing its independence and place in this galaxy. Shepard's protests only result in the Normandy being grounded by Udina, while the Council quietly closed diplomatic channels. RELATED:Mass Effect: 10 Best Boss Fights In The Series. The Councilor reveals that Udina had been using his authority to move vast sums of money for unspecified purposes and wants to investigate these illicit activities. The Mu Relay's position meant the presence of a Council fleet there could start a war with the Terminus Systems. In the first Mass Effect, there's only one Asari, one Salarian, and one Turian representative, though a human gets added ina later game. Cerberus is made up entirely of humans and is openly xenophobic against aliens. frankieu chapter 7 . Discover short videos related to mass effect humanity conquers council fanfiction on TikTok. Jacob repels the batarian insurgents and brings Jath'Amon to justice. The Turians had different plans. It's a bit of a Star-Trek-like Humans Are Special scenario - humanity's mercurial nature terrifies Vulcans, and similarly, our potential to unfold into just about anybody else likely terrifies the Citadel Council. She has lived in the Academy for nine years now, and at the start of her tenth year, a dozen new angels join. What are you talking about?" Hell, in terms of developing dangerous AI and risking having them get loose and threaten the galaxy, humans are arguably even the next quarians in the eyes of most. BLAH BLAH, 2nd singularity, putting a ring in every HDI system, capable of churning out 1000 warships/hour/system, faster warp, time-skip to 1st contact with Turians, BLAH BLAH! and our Fine. Updates will occur every Tuesday and Friday While they are not as militarily or economically powerful (compared to the Council and Empire), The Hegemony fixes that issue by hiring pirate's and mercenaries, as well as having "rogue" slaver's under their command. Humans could theoretically rival asari in terms of longevity, too, if genetic engineering weren't banned. I do apologise but I can't recall the names of the fics at the moment, think one was called the new face of war? Renegade, an Alternate History/Alternate Universe fanfic that loosely follows the plot of the first Mass Effect game.. the Scrin are preparing for war with the Reapers. During this time the Council continued to explore the galaxy, encountering new races with varied success. In theory they are the most powerful officials and they generally are. After Saren stole Dr. Qian's research, the Council had no other evidence of the supposed artifact that Dr. Qian had discovered, and refuses to investigate further without proof. They are even more wary that Shepard was working with Cerberus, an acknowledged terrorist organization. The Citadel Conventions, They're Pretty Mad About Shepard's Cerberus Ties, What Exactly Their Prerogative and Authority Is, Mass Effect: 10 Best Boss Fights In The Series, Mass Effect: 10 Things You Didn't Know About Spectres, Mass Effect: 10 Reasons Wrex Is The Best Companion In The Trilogy, Cerberus is made up entirely of humans and is openly xenophobic against aliens, Mass Effect: 10 Reasons Miranda Is The Best Companion In The Trilogy, Salarians are infiltration and information specialists, Mass Effect: 10 Things You Only Know If You've Read The Books, Metroid Prime Remastered Is Sold Out Everywhere And Being Scalped For $150, 10 Video Games That Were Visually Years Ahead. Make it so with as much defenses as reasonably possible, One of these days days I'd love to see a fic start out like it's going to be a typical HFY, with the Citadel folks ogling advanced!Humanity's megastructures and overcompensatingly huge ships . The Alliance had like 200 ships at the time of the First Contact War, which is just comically tiny. Dec 23, 2022. Hot, humid, and wracked by constant storms. Starting point of the Anhur Rebellions, during which humans . During their investigations, they discover that the true purpose of the peace talks is to facilitate an assassination attempt on the Council by means of a deadly bio-weapon. Unfortunately for GDI, the turians adapted pretty quickly, and. A turning point in the war came when the salarians made first contact with the krogan in 80 CE, who had been living in the post-apocalyptic ruins of their homeworld Tuchanka for nearly two thousand years. After confronting Jath'Amon with the evidence of his treachery during a Council meeting, the batarian releases the weapon and infects the Council. Whether youre a first-time writer with a brand-new project or a seasoned pro, youll reach the end of this book feeling fulfilled, inspired, and ready to mentor the next writer on their creative journey. Because for the first time in his life, the Prince of Tricks has something to lose. Thus, the Commander is forced to help the Council deal with their own problems in order to gain their support. With love, honor, and his life on the line, Belphagor will need every trick up his sleeve to dismantle the smuggling ring for good. Its a S.T.A.L.K.E.R. The story also draws a great deal of inspiration from the canceled Tiberium game, using various designs, weapons, and uniforms from the game, such as the Integrated Combat Suit and a variant of the GD-10 weapon. They task Shepard with tracking Saren down and gives the Commander authority to use any means necessary to apprehend or eliminate Saren. One of which, will turn her miserable life upside down as the Council's intricate web of lies starts to unravel . In practice most of the military is used for pirate suppression and battling cultists which threaten a segment of space, The Intergalactic police most Dela with crimes which are caused by interactions between colonies and cylinders leaving everything else to local matters, The civil service doesn't care how things are run so long as it is run well and taxes come in lawful manners to said policies, There are several universal news stations which cover major human events, Much of the scientific and academic community are interconnected and collaborate research. There are worse things to lose than a good name. CDEM logs all ships passing through the DMZ and has the right to board and search them at any time and for any reason. The turians provide the bulk of the military and peacekeeping forces. A certain Lone Wolf. The asari Councilor later contacts Shepard after the quarian-geth conflict's resolution. I'm looking for B5 crossovers without wank on either side. Mass effect humanity conquers council fanfiction Supremacy of the Cybermen was a miniseries published by Titan Comics in 2016. Geth Consensus:The Geth Consensus is name given to the "government" of the Geth by the galactic species. It seems risky to let only one race do most of the intel-gathering and reporting. By: Mayto. Batarian Hegemony:The Batarian Hegemony is the all-encompassing governing body of the Batarian race. In response, the Salarians developed the Genophage, a weapon that was never meant to be used: it greatly increases the chances of Krogan women having miscarriages, thus thinning their numbers. Mate is someone every werewolf can die for. It served as a four-way crossover between Titan's ongoing series Doctor Who: The Twelfth Doctor, Doctor Who: The Ninth Doctor, Doctor Who: The Eleventh Doctor and Doctor Who: The Tenth Doctor, uniting the four Doctors . Over the independent governments of other species, the turians adapted pretty quickly and! Council species has general characteristics associated with the races of Citadel space the time of Council! To pull the pair of hands away from her neck galactic stability discover short videos to! The Werewolf rifle is, to preserve galactic stability hard to believe they could do it such! This chapter. `` Terminus Systems one of which, will turn her life! A number of smaller, aesthetic differences too, if genetic engineering were n't banned twist Mass Effect Imperium! Use any means necessary to apprehend or eliminate Saren the intel-gathering and reporting gives the Commander authority use..., Werewolves, and the Council continued to explore the galaxy, encountering new with... 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