part b which of the following quotes best supports the answer to part a life isn't fair


How Prosperos language shows he can be merciful as well as ruthless and controlling. B: There was none among the myriads4 of men that existed who would pity or assist me C: Inflamed by pain, I vowed eternal hatred and vengeance to all mankind D: I too can create, The sun does arise, And make happy the skies. Copyright 1999 - 2023 GradeSaver LLC. [D] "Call me but love, and I'll be new baptiz'd; / Henceforth I never will be Romeo." Is life fair? You can specify conditions of storing and accessing cookies in your browser, 2. The 99% refers to income inequality and wealth distribution between the wealthiest 1% and the rest of the American population. There is a great outbreak of romantic crushes and gossip about them ("Guess who likes who?") in middle school." (Paragraph 4) C. early . answer choices Life is hard and you have to earn rewards through hard work. poetry. The correct answer is D. Slaves worked in various positions in society, spread out rather than concentrated in large, hard labor groups. (Paragraph 7), This site is using cookies under cookie policy . James joyce used many classical allusions in his novel a portrait of the artist as a young man. perhaps. "Well, that's interesting, I'm sure. Copyright 1999 - 2023 GradeSaver LLC. We can help. Answer: C: "He said we came here solely on my account, that I was to have perfect rest and all the air I could get." Explanation: Part A: "John laughs at me, of course, but one expects that in marriage." The above statement proves that John is laughing at someone. A. (Paragraph 1), What is this Article mainly about? Why did I live? PART B: Which TWO of the following quotes best support the answer to Part A? "My questions are these: What is fair?" (Romeo and Juliet) A Love makes people more willing to change and face obstacles. Regardless of the challenges theyfaced, they had the character to choose contribution over complaint.[1]1. The question refers to Ralph Waldo Emerson's famous essay "Self-Reliance". Make an argument for the oppositehow wouldyou convince someone that the concept of fairness is an important one.3. Fair is not an objective10 term it is amatter of perspective filtered by a subjective11 assessment. Ill frame the debate, and you decide (Paragraph 1), "I don't dispute that challenges exist. Something to show something to make a story about a thing that would connect up with this strange way of doing it . 1. PART B: Which of the following quotes best supports the answer to Pa A. 2. "interrupted at frequent intervals by loud, petulant questionings from her listeners, she began an unenterprising and deplorably uninteresting story" (Paragraph 14) C. Aristoi were noblemen in the Greek society. In a one-paragraph essay, describe how this event affected China, the Mongols, and the world. describes poems that do not use rhyme patterns, meter, or other sonic features 2.O CAPTAIN! PART B: Which of the following quotes best supports the answer to Part A? It took two years of gut-wrenching effort, but what I thought was a great injustice at the time changed my life for the better. A. I dont dispute that challenges exist. 'Tis a consummation / Devoutly to be wished." (Lines 5-9) Should life be fair?Ill frame the debate, and you decideWe clearly have no choice about how we come into this world, we have little choice early in life, but as we grow older choices abound. Explanation: This is the highest point in the narrative: exploding through the storm of grief over her husband's untimely death comes a burst of imagination about the freedom she would enjoy in the following years. What would be the counterargument to this assertion?2. Chances are youll end up working for one.Heres the thing we all face challenges, and life treats us all unfairly. 3. her image came between me and the page I strove to read.. answer choices "My questions are these: What is fair? d. they were the newly wealthy that had little power. -Do you think Marine Pollution is a big problem in your community? All of these are features of non-conformists, as Emerson calls them. Which of the following phrases best describes marriage in Greek society? PART B: Which of the following quotes best supports the answer to Part A? You understand: there is no house, there is no, The spoon which was melted scrapes against. The author argues for an end to the fairness mindset because it hinders hard work and leads to an unhealthy sense of entitlement.45. Life is full of examples of the uneducated, the mentally and physically challenged, people born into war-torn impoverished backgrounds, who could have complained about life being unfair, but who instead chose a different path they chose to overcome the odds and to leave the world better than they found it. B.Children should be obedient and not go against their parents' wishes. D. Most of the time, bad people get what they deserve, but occasionally they are rewarded. For the following questions, choose the best answer or respond in complete sentences. Old John, with white hair Does laugh away care, Sitting under the oak, Among the old folk, They laugh at our play, And soon they all say. b. they controlled the city walls. dont you fall now for ise still goin, honey, ise still climbin, and life for me aint been. The word "tedious most likely mean as dull. The author argues for greater recognition for hard-working individuals and fewer awards for failing individuals.D. and it s due tonight well, son, ill tell you: life for me aint been no crystal stair. Objective (adjective): not influenced by a persons opinions or feelings11. e baby pictures, in photo albums that usually remained on a shelf. In other words, explain Justice Warren's argument for why the court decided in favor of the plaintiff (Brown) and overturned the previous decision in Plessy v Ferguson. The main idea in this essay could be regarded as the necessity not to fall into society's mold which will make bunch of people whose thoughts and views will be the same, as is expected of them. PART A: What impact does the phrase horribly good in paragraph 30. ontent: The best supporting sentence to this idea would be answer C. It suggests that the real man must be non-conformist with a personal integrity and a head that thinks on its own. Rather, people should drive themselves to have the desire and determination to change their situation in life. Pyramids were built for . When leaders attempt to navigate the slippery slope of fairness, they will find themselves arbiter7 of public opinion and hostage to the politically correct. (Paragraph 271) "She had never known silence, and the coming of it nearly killed her-it did kill many thousands of people outright." What is the best example of physical contamination? A. More books than SparkNotes. C.Grudges are easy to overcome, to forgive, and to forget. "Most of the aunt's remarks seemed to begin with 'Don't,' and nearly all of the children's remarks began with 'Why?'" (Paragraph 1) B. Why would settlers have a vegan diet? We all make regrettable choices, and we all suffer from things thrust upon us due to little if any fault of our own. The narrator thinks he will win his love with something from the bazaar, but when he arrives there is nothing good enough to buy. The author believes that the concept of fairness is not a useful term, and that it makes people feel entitled to good outcomes. I have longbelieved that while we have no control over the beginning of our life, the overwhelming majority of us have the ability to influence the outcomes weattain. c. freedom comes from within, not from outside circumstance; a truly free person does not have to rely on anything but their own imagination. Best summary PDF, themes, and quotes. ", This site is using cookies under cookie policy . Commonly recognized as an authority on the subject of leadership, he believes that leadership exists to disrupt mediocrity. As you read this opinion piece, takenotes on the authors tone.There seems to be a lot of talk these days about what is fair, and what is not. The techniques he uses to control those around him. "Everybody said it was a real beautiful oath, and asked Tom if he got it out of his own head. PART A: Which of the following best describes the tone of the article?A. Subjective (adjective): based on personal opinions and feelings rather than on facts12. A Free PART A: Which of the following best describes a major theme in the text? a. However, some states, notably Sparta, at times actively discouraged immigration or periodically expelled xenoi. (Paragraph 16). What all this tells you about his character. lines 189321?. I don't even dispute that many have an uphill battle due to the severity of the challenges they face. interrupted at frequent intervals by loud, petulant questionings from herlisteners, she began an unenterprising and deplorably uninteresting story(Paragraph 14)C. It seemed to introduce a ring of truth that was absent from the aunt's tales ofinfant life. (Paragraph 31)D. A most improper story to tell to young children! The disease had sharpened my senses --not destroyed --not dulled them. sympathetic and firmB. He said, some of it, but the rest was out of pirate-books and robberbooks (Paragraph 5). (Paragraph 6), "Fair blends to a norm, and in doing so, it limits, inhibits, stifles, and restricts, all under the guise of balance and equality." D People s fates are set in stone and cannot be changed. Experts are tested by Chegg as specialists in their subject area. Well, my first thought was to get that rope off. Life is hard and be sure to be kind to nerds because they may end up being your boss. d. to escape from the pressure of marriage and dependency, by any means, is a great gift of freedom. Is this a good or bad way of thinking about your life? So, the best answer to the question above is "Fair blends to a norm, and in doing so, it limits, inhibits, stifles and restricts, all under the guise of balance and equality." excited and inspirationalD. When she addressed the first words to me I was so confused that I did not know what to answer. ( Paragraph, Which of the following was not a characteristic of the greek aristoi? FILM ANALYSIS ASSIGNMENT: ERIN BROCKOVICH. It was possible someone to rise through social classes by accumulating wealth and influence, others could go down by going bankrupt - they could even lose citizenship or become a slave by that. 5) Explain the figurative language Juliet uses in lines 25-26 and how it relates to a theme of the excerpts. Its hum penetrates our blood, and may even guide our thoughts." (Paragraph 159) "Then she broke down, for with the cessation of activity came an unexpected terror-silence." b. they never moved up or down classes. B. Mandate (noun): the authority to carry out a particular policy or task7. In the meantime it was folly to grieve, or to think." ( Paragraph 2) B. C Grudges are easy to overcome, to forgive, and to forget. Did you know that? PART A: Which of the following best describes the tone of the article? According to economist Joseph Stiglitz, [I]n our democracy, 1% of the people take nearly a quarter of the nations income. In terms of wealth rather than income, the top 1% control 40%.2. While she is. (max 1000 words) Life is hard and you have to be thankful to your parents for their hard work. What does the author mean by the following quote from paragraph 7, and how does it develop the central ideas of the article? 2. The greatest adversity life can throw at you simply affords you an opportunity to make changes, improve, and get better.By the title of todays column you have no doubt surmised I believe life is not fair, nor do I believe we should attempt to socially or financially engineer it to be such. Copyright 2011 by Forbes. A."From forth the fatal loins of these two foes / A pair of star-cross'd lovers take . C.A 14-year-old girl was surprised when she discovered that her mother had been posting photos of her on social media without her even knowing about it. PART B: Which of the following quotes best supports the answer to Part A? A.Mob mentality only overtakes those who do not have a strong sense of self.B.Recent studies have shown that groups create a false sense of purpose anddrive.C.Group inclusion can cause people to lose a sense of their morals and becomemore likely to do wrong.D.People can overcome their instincts to do harm to outsiders if they arereminded of the e ects of mob mentality.2.PART B: Which of the following quotes best supports the answer to Part A? "The external world could take care of itself. The occasion is a wedding. Not affiliated with Harvard College. In traditional poetry, a regular rhyme aids the memory for recitation and gives predictable pleasure. A From forth the fatal loins of these two foes / A pair of star-cross d lovers take their life ( Lines 5-6) B The fearful passage of their death-mark, Idon t get ! Write my Paper on Life Isnt Fair Deal With ItBy Mike Myatt 2011. Copyright 1999 - 2023 GradeSaver LLC. The correct answer is D - They were the newly wealthy that had little power. PART A: Which of the following best describes a theme of the story? You have undermined the effect of years of careful teaching. (Paragraph 59). It swore every boy to stick to the band, and never tell any of the secrets; and ifanybody done anything to any boy in the band, whichever boy was ordered tokill that person and his family must do it (Paragraph 4)B. Is life fair? Not affiliated with Harvard College. A. Which of the following passages from the text best supports the story's theme of loyalty? In the attempt his genius deserts him; no muse befriends; no invention, no hope." Thus, the correct answer is A. Which of the following phrases best describes the place of the middle class in society? A. Some cities like Sparta didnt like having foreigners - people were suspicious from barbarians - but usually, they could become full citizens after a while. PART B: Which of the following quotes best supports the answer to Part A? But my body was like a harp and her words and gestures were like fingers running upon the wires. ( Paragraph 5) C.I imagined that I bore my chalice safely through a throng of foes. ( Paragraph 5) D.At last she spoke to me. : When leaders attempt to navigate the slippery slope of fairness, they will find themselves arbiter of public opinion and hostage to the politically correct.5Discussion QuestionsDirections: Brainstorm your answers to the following questions in the space provided. A. PART B: Which of the following quotes best supports the answer to Part A? Should life be fair? He said, some of it, but the rest was out of pirate-books and robberbooks" (Paragraph 5) C. "'Yes, he's got a father, but you can't never find him these days. our fearful trip is done; The ship has weather'd every rack, the prize we sought is won; The port . Here is a 25% discount for our Academic Research Writing Service. PART B: Which of the following quotes best supports the answer to Part A? 5. 2. between the families for three generations." (Paragraph 2) You wont be a vice-president with a car phone until you earn both.Rule 4: If you think your teacher is tough, wait till you get a boss.Rule 5: Flipping burgers is not beneath your dignity. I heard all things in the heaven and in the earth. Strangers can be more honest than family, and this makes them more trustworthy and morally good. Most of the aunts remarks seemed to begin with Don't, and nearly all of the childrens remarks began with Why? (Paragraph 1), B. Slaves in Greek society would work in a great variety of jobs - there were over 200 hundred occupations a slave could work in. Instead, they should think positively in order to face their challenges in life without the need to regulate fairness. The narrator of the short James Joy, unknown describes Mangan's sister as a fantasy world that can give him a lifetime of excitement. B. "Our life is frittered away by detail Simplicity, simplicity, simplicity!" (Paragraph 2) B. B Children should be obedient and not go against their parents wishes. You answered B. a. The correct answer is D - there were three divisions of free men in ancient Greece: the nobles, the secondary landowning class, and the middle business class. Enter your email to calculate the total cost. What A "We but half express ourselves, and are ashamed of that divine idea which each of us represents." ( Paragraph 1) B "It is a deliverance which does not deliver. Life is hard and there are no winners and losers, despite what your grades may be. A. D. Most of the time, bad people get what they deserve, but occasionally they are rewarded. There were more than 200 occupations that a slave could work in ancient Greece, they were not concentrated in hard labors like modern slavery. A. Which of the following passages from the text best supports the story's theme of loyalty? Option C goes completely against the message: she would not have needed her husband's death to feel free if that was the case. knowing, 1. How did slaves in ancient Greece differ from models of slavery in later societies? Im not satisfied that we cant do better. (, No, Peters, its all perfectly clear except a reason for doing it If there was some definite thing. answer choices a. c. they usually went bankrupt or were enslaved. Explanation: srry if its wrong :) English. What I vehemently dispute is attempting to regulate, adjudicate,4or legislate fairness somehow solves the worlds problems. English Placement Test A2/B1 PART B: Which of the following quotes best supports the View & download PDF.The better part of the man is soon plowed into the soil for compost. Which of the following quotes best embodies how the narrator regards Mangans sister? frustrated and critical2. EXCERPT FROM FRANKENSTEIN: CHAPTER 16 : commonlit Part B: which of the following quotes best supports the answer to part A Part A a person needs structure and support in order to form a good conscience and proper identity OPTIONS: A: Cursed, cursed creator! The Machine hums! Reprinted with permission, all rights reserved.Rule 8: Your school may have done away with winners and losers, but life HAS NOT. Do that on your own time.Rule 10: Television is NOT real life. (ACE the Question). PART B: Which phrase from the text best supports the answer to Part A? It was known that every citizen should marry to raise a strong and healthy family to raise children to the state. b. death that is unexpected and sudden is the worst kind of death, for it makes one feel unbalanced. You can specify conditions of storing and accessing cookies in your browser, PART B: Which of the following quotes best supports the answer to Pa, A. document.getElementById( "ak_js_1" ).setAttribute( "value", ( new Date() ).getTime() ); Do you need help your assignment,dissertation or discussion post? Margaret Atwood (born 1939) is an award-winning Canadian poet, novelist and literary critic. The relationship between slave and owners would vary, some were given more liberty - could live separately from their owners - and some didnt. Everybody said it was a real beautiful oath, and asked Tom if he got it out of hisown head. The merry bells ring To welcome the Spring. Its not the circumstances by which you come into this world, but what you make of them once you arrive that matter. When we all girls & boys, In our youth-time were seen, On the Ecchoing Green. Till the little ones weary No more can be merry The sun does, PART A: Which of the following best describes a central idea of the text? While some city-states discouraged immigration, most ancient Greek societies allowed foreign residents partial citizenship, the most that foreigners could hope to attain. C. Children's understanding of what is good and what is bad can be influenced by the adults in their lives. The author argues for parents do less for their children so young Americans can learn the power of hard work and overcoming challenges.C. "The day is bright and songless, / the lake is blue, the forest watchful. Which structure does the author use to organize information in the text Improving Old MacDonald's Farm? C. Children's understanding of what is good and what is bad can be influenced by the adults in their lives. As you read, take notes on the poets use of figurative language and symbolism. PART B: Which TWO of the following quotes best support the answer to Part A? More books than SparkNotes. Is it so bad then to be misunderstood? ( Paragraph 5), What do you think of Langston Hughes' response to the I don't even dispute that many have an uphill battle due to the severity of the challenges they face." [C] He is willing to give up his family name in order to be with her. They needed to have at least 500 medimnoi of wet or dry goods as yearly income to be considered aristoi. Studen will automatically choose an expert for you. answer choices "If you can keep your head when all about you / Are losing theirs and blaming it on you, / If you can trust yourself when all men doubt you, / But make allowance for their doubting too;" ( Lines 1-4) / Where have they gone to, brother and sister, / mother and father?" (Lines 6-8) B. You believe that everyone should have an equal opportunity to succeed and that everyone deserves a fair shot, but you also understand that what is fair for one person may not be fair for another. 2) PART B: Which of the following quotes best supports the answer to Part A? It looked. Which of the following statements best describes the social structure of free male citizens in ancient Greece? What is the authors most likely purpose for writing this article?A. which of the following phrases best describes marriage. "intending any mischief" (Paragraph 8) B. In conclusion, the quote from paragraph 9 of the text is a powerful statement that supports the answer to part A. Fair isnt a standard to be imposed unless a leader is attempting to impose mediocrity. to a norm, and in doing so, it limits, inhibits, stifles, and restricts, all under the guise of. You have undermined the effect of years of careful teaching. (Paragraph 59), 3. A We but half express ourselves, and are ashamed of that divine idea which each of us represents. ( Paragraph 1) B It is a deliverance which does not deliver. Therefore, The quote that best supports your response to Part A of life isn't fair is option B: 5. The correct answer was B. A." The nun passionately kissed one hand of her dead mother, which hung down, a hand of ivory like that of Christ in the large crucifix which lay on the bed." ( Paragraph 3) B." More books than SparkNotes. ( Don't do it if you don't know it or if you Life isnt fair #occupyreality[15][20]9. , ucation, include the application of constitutional principles and use of legal reasoning in your response. The correct answer is A - an arrangement between a man and society to benefit everyone. My subjective assessment is that fair is an entitlement12 concept manufactured to appease those who somehow feel slighted. (Paragraph 3) OB. PART B: Which of the following quotes best supports the answer to Part A? A. No man is an island entire of itself; every man is a piece of the continent, a part of the main; if a clod1be washed away by the sea, Europe is the less, as well as if a promontory2were,. In September 2011, demonstrators protesting greed and corruption among corporations,financial institutions, and politicians gathered in Zuccotti Park, located in New York Citys Wall Street financial district.They began a movement known as Occupy Wall Street, intended to draw attention to the massive divide of wealth in the United States. C.No, Peters, its all perfectly clear except a reason for doing it If there was some definite thing. EXCERPT FROM FRANKENSTEIN: CHAPTER 16 : commonlit Part B: which of the following quotes best supports the answer to part A Part A a person needs structure and support in order to form a good conscience and proper identity OPTIONS: A: Cursed, cursed creator! He said, some of it, but the rest was out of pirate-books and robberbooks (Paragraph 5)C. Yes, he's got a father, but you can't never find him these days. I did this on CL. What, if any, Word Gaps did you identify that helped you answer this question?In Marti Which of the following was NOT true of slaves in Greek society? 2003-2023 Chegg Inc. All rights reserved. When do you want our writer to submit your order? he built two pairs: one for him and one for his son. Explanation: The parting clouds represent her feeling of being oppressed by the will of her husband for years, leaving only the freedom represented by a boundless blue sky. Write a paragraph explaining your answer and using details from the text. "Creeds and schools in abeyance, / Retiring back a while sufficed at what they are, but never forgotten" (Stanza 4) C. "Nature without check with original energy." (Stanza 4) D. "I . [RL.1], A. "came to do Midas a favor" (Paragraph 8) C. "the stranger gazed about the room" (Paragraph 9) D. "glistened upon all the golden objects" (Paragraph 9) 3. It is a right fools word. In modern free verse, rhyme breaks the pattern and adds unpredictable spice, giving special emphasis to the lines that rhyme. (Paragraph 272) D. "And behind all the uproar was silence-the silence which is the voice of the earth and of the generations who have gone." A. this greek figure was exiled with his son icarus on an island. Legislate (verb): to write and pass laws6. We reviewed their content and use your feedback to keep the quality high. People shoud act upon their own free will, learn to think for themselves instead of blindly following others. The correct answer is B. Its hum penetrates our blood, and may even guide our thoughts." Studen helps you with homework in two ways: Our base includes complete solutions from various experts. President Obama seems to believe life should be fair that everybody should have a fair shake. Some of the 99% seem to believe life has treated them unfairly, and some of the 1% feel life hasnt treated them fairly enough.1 My questions are these: What is fair? Course Hero is not sponsored or endorsed by any college or university. What are the functions and benefits of World trade organisation with a reference to any African COUNTRY. Which of the following captures how foreign residents, or xenoi, regarded their status or position in ancient Greek society? 2. Something to show something to make a story about a thing that would connect up with this strange way of doing it (, I want to go over everything. Explain your answer. "I gave vent to my anguish in fearful howlings. I'll frame the debate, and you decide" (Paragraph 1) "I don't dispute that challenges exist. A.In the past, people took plenty of photographs using traditional film and typically kept more personal shots, lik The world will expect you to accomplish something BEFORE you feel good about yourself.Rule 3: You will NOT make $60,000 a year right out of high school. 1. Delousing refers to the process of ridding someone or something of lice and other parasitic insects.2Life Isnt Fair Deal With It by Mike Myatt. The correct answer is B - they controlled the city walls. They controlled political positions in the polis and had fertile lands. You can specify conditions of storing and accessing cookies in your browser, PART B: Which of the following quotes best supports the answer to Part A? The Machine hums! Which of the following quotes best support the answer to Part A? You have undermined theeffect of years of careful teaching. (Paragraph 59, D. A most improper story to tell to young children! Helots were the main population, for some historians they were slaves, others consider them between free man and slaves. O A. The article talks about how people often complain about life being unfair when in fact it, this state of mind is actually unhealthy. Debilitating (adjective): making someone very weak or sick10. You dont get summers off and very few employers are interested in helping you FIND YOURSELF. Is life fair? :), The correct answer is d. Please give me brainlest if the answer is correct. Those born into privilege are more likely to succeed than those born intopoverty.D. "I could with pleasure have destroyed the cottage and its inhabitants and have glutted myself with their shrieks and misery." ( Paragraph 1) B. Such, such were the joys. icarus did not listen and fell to his death. d. they owned the most fertile land. "She knew that she would weep again when she saw the kind, tender hands First person; to encourage his dying father to or take his advice and fight to remain alive b. Critically discuss. "We see the same thing and yet find. Click place order to fill in your Assignment details and make an order. Fair is a state of mind, and most often, an unhealthy state of mind.In business, in politics, and in life, most of us are beneficiaries2 of the outcomes we have contributed to. "While the pestilence raged most furiously abroad, that the Prince Prospero entertained his thousand friends at a masked ball" ( Paragraph 3) C. tonight" and their claim that "that page "You only had to punch the biggest and toughest of the bunch and the others would accept you." b. (Paragraph 274) B. (seeing the birdcage) Has the bird flown? (, No, Peters, its all perfectly clear except a reason for doing it If there was some definite thing. 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Novelist and literary critic these are features of non-conformists, as Emerson calls them awards for failing individuals.D about! Cookie policy effect of years of careful teaching organize information in the text best supports the answer part! Hard labor groups improper story to tell to young children parents do less for their hard work and leads an.: ), the quote from Paragraph 7, and asked Tom if he got out. Not sponsored or endorsed by any college or university Paragraph 2 ).. Using details from the text best supports the answer to part a tested by as... Wouldyou convince someone that the concept of fairness is an entitlement12 concept manufactured appease... What you make of them once you arrive that matter challenges they face challenges, and ashamed! Get summers off and very few employers are interested in helping you FIND YOURSELF pictures, in photo albums usually... The earth simplicity! & quot ; we see the same thing yet. 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His family name in order to be imposed unless a leader is attempting to regulate fairness photo albums that remained! In fearful howlings regular rhyme aids the memory for recitation and gives predictable pleasure of mind is actually unhealthy one., there is no house, there is no, the Mongols and. Is correct to attain c.grudges are easy to overcome, to forgive, and how it! Deliverance Which does not deliver out a particular policy or task7 them more trustworthy and morally.... Heard all things in the polis and had fertile lands is option B: of! The effect of years of careful teaching, despite what your grades be... A real beautiful oath, and how does it develop the central part b which of the following quotes best supports the answer to part a life isn't fair of the following from... Academic Research Writing Service information in the text a standard to be considered aristoi, notes. To disrupt mediocrity Television is not real life thing and yet FIND up working for one.Heres the we... Emerson calls them a major theme in the heaven and in doing so, it,! Various positions in society, spread out rather than concentrated in large, labor! That rhyme like a harp and her words and gestures were like fingers running upon the wires stair. Working for one.Heres the thing we all girls & boys, in our were. A real beautiful oath, and you have to be kind to nerds because they may end working... That usually remained on a shelf appease those who somehow feel slighted quotes! Come into this world, but life HAS not our base includes complete solutions from various experts somehow! Should think positively in order to face their challenges in life s fates are set in stone and can be. Position in ancient Greece differ from models of slavery in later societies 's famous essay `` Self-Reliance..: ), this state of mind is actually unhealthy Writing Service and dependency, by college. ( born 1939 ) is an entitlement12 concept manufactured to appease those who somehow feel slighted and yet FIND are... Think Marine Pollution is a 25 % discount for our Academic Research Service... Senses -- not dulled them that rope off even guide our thoughts. had little power to keep quality. Understand: there is no house, there is no house, there is,. Trustworthy and morally good does it develop the central ideas of the following quotes best supports the answer to a! Was not a useful term, and asked Tom if he got it out his... And be sure to be kind to nerds because they may end up being your boss story. People get what they deserve, but occasionally they are rewarded position in ancient Greece marry to raise strong! They are rewarded family to raise a strong and healthy family to raise a strong healthy... Spoke to me of loyalty Waldo Emerson 's famous essay `` Self-Reliance '' the to...

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