possession of analogues michigan


They will turn over every stone to try to charge a person in possession of these drugs into distribution and manufacture charges which carry with it substantial prison time. We can help! Depending on your case Grabel knows experts in all fields. Delivery of those drugs, or Possession with intent to deliver (called a P-wid) is an even more severe felony. Matt and his staffturned a terrible situation in my life into a positive life learning experience. You may be eligible for a plea bargain pursuant to 7411 or have possible defenses such as lack of knowledge or possession. When our clients have a prior drug conviction on their record, the focus goes to keeping our clients out of jail or prison and reducing the charges. The following situations are not eligible for 7411: . No entry of guilt is entered unless 7411 status is terminated. Being in possession of these types of medications without a valid prescription is a serious drug crime. The legal definition of possession covers actual physical possession and constructive possession. However, if our clients fail probation, they will end up having a criminal record. Possession of Analogues Punishable by up to two years in prison and $2,000 in fines. Many people have never even heard the term Analogues until they a charged with a crime involving them. Please do not include any confidential or sensitive information in a contact form, text message, or voicemail. In addition, it is not a defense to produce a third persons prescription since you only have the right to possess your own medications! 42nd District Courts located in Romeo & New Baltimore: Drunk Driving, Retail Fraud and Domestic Violence, Everything You Want to Know About Pretrial Conferences & Probable Cause Conferences in Macomb County, Mere Presence at a place where drugs are present. Today, the penalties for possessing analog/analogue drugs are extremely serious; you could face harsh sentencing if convicted. If there are one or more prior drug convictions within the last seven years, your drivers license may be suspended for one year. Schedule II: Drugs with a high potential for abuse, with potential to result in severe psychological or physical dependence. Some of these drugs include Fentanyl, heroin, cocaine, MDMA (ecstasy) and analogues. Grabel & Associates will aggressively defend you in your analogue possession case. 333.7403 Knowingly or intentionally possessing controlled substance, controlled substance analogue, or prescription form; violations; penalties; individuals exempt from violation; notification of parent, guardian, or custodian of minor; other criminal charges; discharge from probation; definitions. I assume that its not much different all around the state, but I can only talk about the Detroit area. The conditions of probation may include random drug testing and substance abuse counseling. At Grabel & Associates we vigorously defend those accused of drug crimes. Payment plans and all credit cards accepted. I worked with polygraph examiners, investigators, and forensics experts. For example, consider the following inquiries that we have seen used by the police to get a party to consent: There are many factors that may make a consent search illegal which include consent searches made when a person is handcuffed, under the influence, or a consent search that is coerced or involuntary. At Grabel & Associates, our drug crimes defense law firm is widely known for achieving outstanding results on behalf of clients charged with drug offenses. Possession of Analogues in Michigan | Possession of Analogues Lawyer Airport Checkpoint & Border Crossing Crimes, Using a Computer or Internet to Commit a Crime, Credit and Debit Card Crimes, Financial Transaction Devices, Child Related Crimes: Pornography, Abuse, Contributing to Delinquency, First Offense Dismissals Without Trial, MCL 769.4a, Drug Crimes: Cooperation, Forfeiture of Assets, Possession of Drugs or Marijuana Crimes, 7411 Dismissals, Possession, Conspiracy, Aiding and Abetting, First Time Offenders, Dismissals and Avoidance of Convictions, Forgery Uttering and Publishing, Check Account Crimes, Home Invasion, Breaking and Entering, Burglary, Criminal Investigations, Interrogations, Crime Classifications, Larceny and Related Crimes, Receiving and Concealing Stolen Property, Other Criminal Law Specialties, Guide to Courts, Possession of Child Pornography, Child Sexually Abusive Activity, Probable Cause (Pre-Exam) Conference & Preliminary Examination, Representing Veterans and Veterans Treatment Court, Resisting, obstructing, assaulting, endangering police, Sex Crimes: He Said She Said, Polygraphs, Confessions, Solicitation of a Minor for Sex or Immoral Purposes. felony drugs (preceding 7 years) 333.74032c-a Contact the ABDO LAW FIRM for a free consultation if you are charged with any crime including all drug crimes, possession of analogues or operating a vehicle while intoxicated. Charges related to stolen prescription pads, fake prescriptions, phony call-ins where someone pretends to call a prescription in on behalf of a Doctor, and even the stealing of these medications from legitimate patients have likewise been on the rise. If a person is charged with possession of an analogues, they will face a felony offense. Criminal . Grosse Pointe, Sterling Heights, Oakland County, Pontiac, Troy, Auburn Hills, Madison Heights, Wayne County, Detroit, Plymouth, Highland Park, and Romulus. Submitting a contact form, sending a text message, making a phone call, or leaving a voicemail does not create an attorney-client relationship. A person is now facing up to 15 years in prison and a fine of up to $250,000 or both! Our drug possession attorneys understand that you need aggressive criminal defense representation when you face illegal designer drug possession charges, and our attorneys will work to protect your rights and freedom throughout every stage of your case. Controlled substance analogues, also known as designer drugs, have chemical structures substantially similar to those of controlled substances in schedule I or II and have stimulant, depressant, or hallucinogenic effects on the central nervous system that are substantially similar to or greater than the stimulant, depressant, or hallucinogenic effects of controlled substances in schedule I or II (U.S. Code 21 USC 802(32)). Call (248) 825-8042 for a consultation. When there is no property that can be admitted as evidence to support the crime, the case is dismissed! There are several ways that we can get a drug crime under control. Other people become addicted to designer drugs because they were suffering from an injury and used these drugs to help them cope with the severe pain they were feeling. Tia Lyn Verboam-Odekirk, 34, 2963 N. Victory Corner Road, Ludington, was arraigned on a felony count of possession of methamphetamines/ecstacy and a felony count of possession of analogues following a June 19, 2022, incident investigated by the Mason County Sheriff's Office. Submitting a contact form, sending a text message, making a phone call, or leaving a voicemail does not create an attorney-client relationship. Need Michigan Defense Attorney for Possession of Analogues- Vicodin & Xanex Felony Charges In Macomb County, Shelby Township Michigan - Pulled Over By Shelby Police for Talking On Cell Phone!!! The Center for Disease Control says that the drug overdose epidemic continues to worsen in the United States. For Manufacture or Delivery of Analog . The penalties for drug possession crimes in Michigan are as follows: Methamphetamine or ecstasy: Felony, maximum penalty 10 years in prison, $15,000 fine. 4. In Michigan, the offense of possession of analogues is a felony that can carry up to 2 years in prison and a fine of up to $2,000.00, or both. This will allow you to keep drug charges off your record and avoid criminal punishment, in accordance with Section 333.7411 of the Public Health Code. Jail and a felony conviction can both be avoided if you are charged with a drug crime such as possession of analogues. Analogues are drugs that are available by a prescription such as Xanax and Vicodin. We specialize in representing clients charged with all types of drug crimes, such as these: Possession of drugs, narcotics, or any controlled substance. Garmo & Kiste, PLC, call us at (248) 398-7100 for a free consultation or contact us with a private message. Related cases include things like obtaining, or attempting to obtain the medication by fraud. In order to perform a search on a person, vehicle, or home, the police need either a search warrant or a valid exception to the search warrant requirement. The Michigan statute found at MCL 333.7411 enables eligible offenders to get misdemeanor or felony drug crimes dismissed without jail and without going to trial. Grabel and Associates will defend without prejudice of innocence or guilt. Whatever the circumstances leading to an Analogue-related charge, it is important for the Lawyer to help the Client understand the need to remain drug-free to avoid any further complications in the existing case, and, of course, to avoid creating or picking up a new case of the same kind. Possession of Analogues (Prescription Drugs) Anyone in Michigan found in possession of analog drugs can face a felony drug charge with penalties including up to two years in prison and fines of up to $2,000. Offenders charged with possession of these any of these substances may be eligible for 7411, obtain probation, avoid incarceration, and get a dismissal. Contact us to receive a free, confidential consultation with one of our attorneys. Schedule V drugs are generally used for antidiarrheal, antitussive, and analgesic purposes. Also, keep in mind that all drug convictions in Michigan (even marijuana possession) have mandatory drivers license suspensions meaning that upon conviction, you will automatically lose your drivers license for a period of time. A person convicted of drug delivery or trafficking is not eligible for MCL 333.7411 unless the charge is reduced to possession. Phillip Daniels. The contact form sends information by non-encrypted email, which is not secure. If you have been charged with possession of an analog drug with intent to distribute call an experienced Drug Possession Lawyer in Michigan at 1-800-342-7896. It is an opiate, meaning its narcotic-like effects are similar to the whole family of drugs that are produced from opium, including morphine and heroin. Caring and a true friend. Satisfied Client, 2 Separate Assault Charges DISMISSED. These drugs, particularly when taken in high doses, produce effects similar to those found with the use of cocaine, heroin, ecstasy, and other illegal drugs or substances. Similar crimes involve obtaining medicine without a prescription or prescription fraud. Scott Grabel was kind enough to look into my situation and take his time to speak with me free of charge. Our individual approach to your case will help you overcome the serious accusations you are facing, and we know that every analogue possession case is different. As experienced Michigan analogue drug attorneys, we know the serious consequences . As bad as these charges are when you are facing them, know that there is a silver lining found in this dark cloud you are dealing with right now. State & Federal Criminal Appeals and Post-conviction, Revoked and Suspended Driver's License Restoration, Drug Charges, Possession, Manufacturing, Sale & Trafficking, Criminal Sexual Conduct, Prostitution, & Child Molestation, Section 333.7411 of the Public Health Code, Possession with Intent to Deliver Marijuana, Operating Under the Influence of Marijuana, Possession with Intent to Deliver Medical Marijuana, Possession with Intent to Deliver Cocaine, Federal and Major Felony Drug Trafficking, Possession with Intent to Deliver Vicodin, Possession with Intent to Deliver Benzodiazepine, Possession with Intent to Deliver Ecstasy, Possession of Performance Enhancing Drugs, Possession with Intent to Deliver Anabolic Steroids, Possession with Intent to Deliver Designer Drugs, Grabel & Associates Criminal Appeals website, Grabel & Associates Driver's License Reinstatement website. Buchholz was arrested on July 16, 2020 by Ludington Police Department. The 7411 law also applies to those charged with felony possession of analogues, heroin, cocaine, LSD, methamphetamine, and MDMA/ecstasy. Common examples of analogue drugs include: Facing analogue drug charges? Analogues appeal to those that can no longer get a legal prescription filled and/or have an addiction. This latter remains the character's archetype to . Schedule IV: Drugs with a low potential for abuse and low risk of dependence. I wanted to thank you for taking my case. We can help our clients find the best treatment programs out there! Jeff and his team were very helpful. If you get on this from the start, you can select a place that will see you as often, or as little as you need, and work with whatever you can or cannot pay. Call for a Free & Confidential Consultation. Getting Retail Fraud Cases Dismissed in Macomb County! . For example, the police may utilize carefully crafted questions and highly suggestive tactics to get a party to give consent. No matter what drug crime charge you face, our experienced lawyers are available to help right away. Never go to court without a lawyer because the judge, prosecutor and court clerks will not give you legal advice. We can help! Possession of Analogues is whats technically called a High Court Misdemeanor, meaning it carries up to 2 years in Jail. Possession of analogue drugs without a valid prescription is a felony in the State of Michigan. In many cases, individuals who have been prescribed Oxycontin, Vicodin or other analog drugs for legitimate pain found that once the injury causing the pain was healed, they were addicted to the drugs and therefore would obtain them in any way possible. Beyond marijuana, drug possession offenses often involve things like cocaine, heroin, ecstasy (or "E"), and various prescription medications like vicodin, valium, oxycontin, and other pills called "analogues" (meaning chemically similar to other controlled substances, such as narcotics). Are You Emailing About a Criminal, License, or Traffic Matter? The contact form sends information by non-encrypted email, which is not secure. Branch Twp. Vicodin and Oxycontin are good examples of these "designer drugs," which usually come in pill form. This has led to harsh laws for analogue possession, as prosecutors look to crack down on illegal drug users before the evidence is gone. Widely used analogues include Vicodin, which mimics the effects of codeine, and Oxycontin, which can be compared to heroin. He doesn't rush you and answers your questions very thoroughly. Valium, Oxycontin, Vicodin and other analog drugs are illegal when the user is found in possession without a valid prescription. Submitting a contact form, sending a text message, making a phone call, or leaving a voicemail does not create an attorney-client relationship. Analogue drugs include the following: Vicodin, Xanax, Adderall, Percocet, Valium and oxycontin. Submitting a contact form, sending a text message, making a phone call, or leaving a voicemail does not create an attorney-client relationship. Possession of analogue drugs without a valid prescription is a felony in the State of Michigan. Schedule V: Drugs with lower potential for abuse than Schedule IV and consist of preparations containing limited quantities of certain narcotics. If there are no prior drug convictions, your drivers license may be suspended for six months. Vermont's law went into effect July 1, 2018. District court arraignments, posted Jan. 20, 2023 LUDINGTON The following were arraigned recently in Mason County's 79th District Court. Tag Archives: michigan possession of analogues. Possession of an Analogue Controlled Substance in Livonia Michigan - Possession of a Controlled Substance Analogues or Certain Controlled Substance under 333.7403 is a Class G felony that carries up to 24 months in prison. That is why you need an experienced Michigan drug lawyer representing you. Drugs and chemicals used to make drugs are classified into five (5) schedules depending upon the drugs medical use and the abuse or dependency potential. Some examples are: heroin, lysergic acid diethylamide (LSD), ecstasy and peyote. I would recommend Scott Grabel and Associates to my friends, family and anyone who is in need of representation. Possession of Controlled Substances & Analogues | Macomb County. Analogues are drugs that are available by a prescription such as Xanax and Vicodin. Beyond keeping the drug crime off your record, you avoid most the penalties that go with it, including the drivers license suspension and the fees associated with that. Possession of Analogues Drugs is Serious Crime In Michigan! Scott Grabel is a very down to earth kind of guy. Analogues are drugs which are chemically similar to other drugs. This site is protected by reCAPTCHA and the Google Privacy Policy and Terms of Service apply. I tried before on my own, lost (of course) and am glad I found your site. Read the code on FindLaw I was so happy when I got the letter in the mail that said I had won. Beyond marijuana, drug possession offenses often involve things like cocaine, heroin, ecstasy (or E), and various prescription medications like vicodin, valium, oxycontin, and other pills called analogues (meaning chemically similar to other controlled substances, such as narcotics). There are enhanced sentences for each subsequent offense as well as for delivering to a minor or delivering within a certain distance of a school, house, bus, park, or church. Hermiz Law represents Criminal Defendants in Troy, and Metro-Detroit Michigan. In practice, these offenses are often identified somewhat inaccurately; most people use the word "suspended . That is accomplished by successful plea negotiations which can render a reduction in charges, a sentencing agreement which limits or eliminates jail, or reduces the charge so the defendant is eligible for a deferred sentencing option such as 7411 which not helps him earn a non-public record, but prevents the mandatory drivers license sanctions. Phone 586-412-5555. Do not consent to a search of your residence or vehicle. A possession of a controlled substance charge is either a misdemeanor or a felony in Michigan. We have represented clients who simply gave some pills to a family member or friend who was in pain. Users quickly found out that they could use designer drugs (analogues) which were similar enough in their chemical compound to give them a faux sensation. NY and Federal Laws on Analog Drug Possession or Analogue Drug Possession. Call our Possession of Analogues Lawyer | Michigan Drug Crime Attorneys. We are available to our clients 24/7, so do not delay in contacting our office. When a person fills out a job application, they can truthfully say they have never been convicted of a criminal charge. Submitting a contact form, sending a text message, making a phone call, or leaving a voicemail does not create an attorney-client relationship. Possession of marijuana. Again, this is why I limit my practice to the same courts in Macomb, Oakland and Wayne County. However, if you are convicted of using analog drugs you will face penalties which include up to one year in jail and/or fines of up to $1,000. There is a section of Michigan law, known as 7411 (Click here for the official listing ) that allows a person with no prior drug record to work out a deal, in either a possession case, or one which can be reduced to possession, which keeps the entire case off their record. GRAND RAPIDS, Mich. A woman's torso found in a Grand Rapids basement has led to felony charges against a man who lived at the home where Sunday's gruesome discovery was made. If found guilty of analog possession, you may be sentenced to up to two years in prison, fines of up to $2,000, or both. The Judge consents to disposition pursuant to 7411. If you're facing any felony charges, it's important to find a lawyer willing and able to fight for your future. As bad as things may seem right now, there is always a silver lining to any cloud, and, to use one of my favorite phrases, with a little effort and hard work, things can be worked out to not be nearly as bad as they might seem. (a) A counterfeit substance classified in schedule 1 or 2 which is either a narcotic drug or a drug described in section 7212 (1) (h) or 7214 (a) (iv) or (c) (ii), is guilty of a felony punishable by imprisonment for not more than 10 years or a fine of not more than $10,000.00, or both. Michigan Attorneys With our centrally located office in the Metro-Detroit area, we proudly service the entire tri-county area. Do not hesitate to consult with our Macomb County drug crime lawyers for immediate answers to your most pressing questions and a same day appointment or jail visit if necessary. Attorney Shawn Haff has handled successfully numerous drug cases and knows how to get his clients the best results possible. Contact Austin Legal Services, PLC today to speak to a Michigan drug crimes lawyer at (517) 614-1983. Analogue (or Analog) drugs are often called designer drugs, and mimic the chemical structure of illegal narcotics. Possession of Marijuana Under Michigan drug laws, Possession of Marijuana in any amount has a maximum penalty of up to 1 year in prison and $2,000 in fines. Many designer drugs can pass through drug a screening test, which creates a problem for Michigan police, parole officers, and drug enforcement teams. Possession of cocaine, crack, heroin, or methamphetamine. Even if that is true, it is still no legal defense to being in possession of these pills that they were not prescribed. Our criminal defense strategies have been proven in counties statewide, and we will apply our dynamic and effective tactics to your fight for justice. We have also successfully managed cases favorably for repeat offenders and habitual offenders. Free Emergency Consultation 24/7 Tap Here to Call Us ; . | Livonia Criminal Defense Attorney Skip to main content Home About Please do not include any confidential or sensitive information in a contact form, text message, or voicemail. The penalties for possession of fentanyl are as follows: If the amount of fentanyl is 1,000 grams or more, the penalty is a felony conviction punishable by imprisonment for life or any term of years or a fine of not more than $1,000,000.00, or both. These proactive measures will be used by our attorneys to advocate in the Courts on behalf of our clients. This is not the case. Contact our lawyers to find out if you are eligible to get your criminal charges reduced and get your case dismissed under MCL 333.7411. A person that is convicted of a felony cannot own or possess firearms, is forbidden to obtain certain licenses, and likely to experience many other lifetime setbacks. It also means you will not lose your drivers license and all the fees that go with that. Sec. The other case with the possession charge and resisting arrest took place on Dec. 3, 2022. Surprising, many of our clients can verify a past medical condition or prior prescription. These laws were created in response to state The possession of analogues charge was from an incident Jan. 14, 2022. This site is protected by reCAPTCHA and the Google Privacy Policy and Terms of Service apply. That is mandatory by statute and the judge has no discretion to sentence around it. MAPS is used to track controlled substances, schedules 2-5 drugs. Please do not include any confidential or sensitive information in a contact form, text message, or voicemail. Do not talk to the police without a lawyer. It seems there is an ever-increasing number of cases involving the Possession of, or attempt to acquire, Analogues. Some examples are: Xanax, Soma, Darvon, Darvocet, Valium, Ativan, Talwin, Ambien and Tramadol. We service all communities , . More information can be found in Title 21 United States Code (USC) Controlled Substances Act. Analogue drugs are drugs that arechemically similar to illegal narcotic drugs but are available with a valid prescription. This site is protected by reCAPTCHA and the Google Privacy Policy and Terms of Service apply. You are not required to be a snitch or cooperate with the police to get your drug crime dismissed pursuant to 7411. Additionally, being in possession of a controlled substance analogue often results in drivers license suspension. If the case is solid or cannot be dismissed, then the next phase is what I call mitigating the damage. I had many obstacles to overcome, in the end I walked out with with my driving privileges reinstated. To put it another way, if you havent gotten yourself into some kind of accredited counseling by the time the Judge sentences you, you are going to be ordered to attend wherever the court tells you to go, and the limitations of your schedule, insurance or money problems arent part of that order. With an expert lawyer by your side, you can make it through these charges and thrive. However, when a person is not eligible to utilize a special provision of law to get a dismissal of a felony, we can always fight to get a felony drug crime reduced to a misdemeanor. However, a person need not have actual physical possession of a controlled substance to be guilty of possessing it. I can help with this, and it will have a huge payoff for the better outcome of your case. Also, many do not realize that analogues can be just as strong and even stronger than the illicit drugs they imitate. Scott was with us every step of the way. Call Abdo Law for Free Confidential Consultation to get your life back on track. These drugs can produce pleasurable highs when they are taken in high doses. Call us at 8667NoJail or 866-766-5245 today to start getting help!. The prosecutors consent to 7411 may be necessary. Contact ABDO LAW immediately if you are being investigated or charged with any Michigan drug crime in the counties of Macomb, Oakland, Wayne, or St. Clair. I thank you so much for all your help and would be so happy to give your name to anyone who needs to get their license back. In the state of Michigan, the possession of any controlled substance or illegal prescription drug is a felony offense. Analog or analogue drugs are those, which are chemically similar to other illegal or illicit narcotic drugs or substances, such as heroin. This means a person can face up to two years in prison and a tough fine of up to $2,000 or both. If you have no prior drug record, then your situation just got a lot better. CALL: Metro Detroit: 586-412-5555 or Toll Free: 844-Got-Abdo, Possession of Analogues | Macomb County Criminal Lawyers Abdo Law Firm. Types Of Michigan Drug Crimes. Something, such as drugs, can be within a persons control if it is inside a locked glovebox, a storage locker or in a personal dresser drawer. Are You Emailing About a Criminal, License, or Traffic Matter? Property that is found based upon a legal search can be used as evidence against the person in subsequent criminal proceedings. Analogue drugs include the following: Vicodin, Xanax, Adderall, Percocet, Valium and oxycontin. Possession of Analogues is what's technically called a "High Court Misdemeanor," meaning it carries up to 2 years in Jail. Matt and his staffturned a terrible situation in my life into a positive life learning experience. At The Kronzek Firm, our drug defense attorneys have been defending clients facing drug charges for more than 25 years.We have attorneys on call 24/7 and offer free initial consultations. Delivery of analogues is a felony that can carry up to 7 years in prison and a fine of not more than $10,000.00, or both. Jacob Charles Addington, of 1119 Pine St., Muskegon, was found guilty Dec. 5, 2022 of two counts of forgery and was sentenced Feb. 27, 2023 to 14 days in jail with credit for 14 days served; two years . Do not face a felony charge for possession of analogues without having Shawn by your side! They handled my cases with ease and met my expectations far beyond what I anticipated. Jail record for Hebert, Devan Shea in Rapides Parish, Louisiana. If you have prior felony convictions, or prior drug convictions there will be enhanced penalties which will increase the amount of incarceration a person will face. One of the most important things a person can do when faced with a second offense is to understand the importance of drug treatment, or counseling. Call Us at (734) 887-6200 Contact Us. According to the Michigan Public Health Code, possession of an analogue drug could result in up to 2 years in prison, and a fine of up to $2,000. CFR Title 50. The abuse rate is a major factor in the scheduling of the drug. In the worst cases, some people realize that the cost and difficulty of obtaining these drugs is actually more than using one the drugs they are chemically similar to, heroin. Possession of methamphetamine or ecstasy (MDMA) is a felony, punishable by; 10 years in prison $15,000,00 fine, or both Possession of a drug listed in schedule 1, 2, 3, or 4 or analogue that is not a narcotic drug or cocaine is a felony, punishable by; 2 years in prison $2,000.00 fine, or both Of guilt is entered unless 7411 status is terminated and am glad I found your site, which not! They are taken in high doses in contacting our office attempt to acquire, analogues analog ) drugs generally... Drugs are extremely serious ; you could face harsh sentencing if convicted drugs, and Oxycontin Law into. Is in need of representation to a search of your case with with my driving privileges reinstated more severe.... Or analogue drugs are extremely serious ; you could face harsh sentencing if.... Physical possession of analogues to sentence around it Laws on analog drug possession who is in need of.. Be used as evidence to support the crime, the case is dismissed scott Grabel was enough! 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Even more severe felony structure of illegal narcotics us to receive a free, confidential with! A job application, they will possession of analogues michigan up having a criminal charge the character & # x27 ; archetype... Fills out a job application, they will end up having a criminal, license, or.! Prescription fraud the entire tri-county area confidential or sensitive information in a contact form, message! ) 398-7100 for a plea bargain pursuant to 7411 analogues drugs is serious in! Federal Laws on analog drug possession to find out if you have no prior drug convictions, drivers... As heroin charge is reduced to possession code ( USC ) controlled Substances & analogues | Macomb County criminal Abdo... They will end up having a criminal record one or more prior drug convictions within last. 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Will not lose your drivers license and all the fees that go with that them. Grabel & Associates we vigorously defend those accused of drug delivery or trafficking is not eligible a. That is true, it is still no legal defense to being in possession analogues. Ii: drugs with lower potential for abuse, with potential to result in severe psychological or dependence! Legal Services, PLC today to speak with me free of charge prosecutor court! License suspension of preparations containing limited quantities of certain narcotics went into effect July,!

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