was nineveh destroyed by a flood


However, both are accurate on the event of who destroyed Niniveh. Brian, your concept of God or YHWH is small-minded and narrow. The city was comprehensively sacked after a three-month siege, and Assyrian King Sinsharushkin was killed. Nin) or Old Babylonian Ninuw. Museum Object Number (s): CBS10673. upon the mountains the feet of him who brings good tidings [telling of the Assyrian's death], who publishes peace!Celebrate your feasts, O Judah; perform your vows. The tables were turned, and Nineveh was the recipient of similar atrocities. A giant fish swallows Jonah without killing him. Why was it given two prophets and two whole books of the Bible? However, Jonah disliked Nineveh and its citizens. Even then, the Assyrians rallied around a new, would-be ruler, Ashuruballit, but he was finally defeated in 608 bce. Get our Question of the Week delivered right to your inbox! "I#Id"Id#I"I#IR"IR#I R"IR#IRT"I? This discovery in mid-19th-century Europe was truly amazing, because it meant that at least one of the ancient cities and cultures mentioned in the Bible actually existed. The city was destroyed so completely by the flood and the enemies that when Alexander the Great fought the battle of Arbela nearby in 331 BC, he did not know there had been a city there. 340 years. God has told us that the wages of sin is death. The only perfection allowed here is God himself. The Untersberg is a great mountain straddling the Austro-German border opposite Salzburg. Aramaic nuna, "fish"). As mentioned before this book is in any State library reserve. In the Bible, Nineveh is shown as a corrupt city. Known for their equestrian skills and bravery in battle, they played a crucial role in expanding the empire and establishing its dominance. The Walls of Benin: Four Times Longer Than The Great Wall of China! On their voyage, they face a sea storm and, they lose control over the ship. Nahum 2:6 (NIV): The city fell when Nabopolassars Babylonian army attacked. SHARING IS . In conclusion, the Fall of Nineveh was mostly predicted by the Bible, through the words of the prophet Nahum. I agree. ", "I cut off their testicles and tore out their privates like seeds of a cucumber. May I ask, was the fall of Nineveh the prophesy concerning Jonahs warnings or Nahums or both? The capital, Nineveh, was located in what is today Iraq, near modern-day Mosul. Bible is a very popular religious text. Real Answers. Susquehanna floodwater over County Road 26 in Nineveh, NY. He also said he would be revenged on God, if he should have a mind to drown the world again; for that he would build a tower too high for the waters to be able to reach! Jonahs prophecy was that Nineveh would fall in forty days, but they repented and the catastrophe was averted for that time. See: He is Full of Lovingkindness dated 5/11/16 and Fearing God dated 5/12/16. (Osama Shukir Muhammed Amin / CC BY-SA 4.0 ). Interesting thing is found in The Gospel of Matthew Jesus simply can't get through too People of his day mainly The teachers of The Law and The Pastor's of his generation He tells them that on the day of Judgement both The Queen of the South Sheba and The People of Nineveh who heeded Jonah will condemn this World for one who was Greater than Solomon and Jonah is here on the day of Judgement. The following is a historical account of Ninevehs destruction: RISE AND FALL OF ASSYRIADESTRUCTION OF NINEVEH, B.C. God said that a flood would overflow the river banks and come on the city bringing about its end. We dare not make God less than or different from how the Bible portrays Him. It is likely that Nahum prophesied when Nineveh was a mighty city. But about 50 years after Nahum spoke, God had enough. I do not know how anyone could be more accurate than Nahums prophecy from God. Did you mean he (God) _then decided to judge them ? (*affiliate link), Stephen M. Miller, The Complete Guide to the Bible, (Phoenix, Arizona: The Steve Laube Agency LLC), 2007, 253-258 and 265-269. We must hold these attributes of His in tension and balance when reading the Bible, thinking of God, and praying to Him. For the Kings of Assyria rebelled against God and His rule and honored their man-made idols of silver, gold, and stone (2 Kings 18:3335; 19:822). We don't talk much about that subject these days. Sandeep Bhandari is the founder of ExactlyHowLong.com website. One account reveals, "In Sennacherib's day the wall around Nineveh was 40 to 50 feet high. The camp alone is valued at $4 million but with delivery and installation Rio Tinto's iron ore boss Simon Trott said the gift exceeded the anticipated cost of the search for the capsule. The Babylonian crown prince Nab-kudurru-usur (Nebuchadnezzar) is said to have married Amytis, who many historians hold to have been the daughter of Cyaxares' son Astyages. Hello, I am very grateful for you article. They started to pray to God. Because of His holy mercy. Why did God allow David to live long when he brought disgrace to the land of Israel? God won't destroy Nineveh: Jonah 3:10, "When God saw their deeds, that they turned from their wicked way, then God relented concerning the calamity which He had . Im looking for varifiable evidence. It is my understanding that it was Nabukodonozor a.k.a. Questions or concerns? It extended for 4 kilometers along the Tigris River and for 13 kilometers around the . The city was the center of the ancient Sumerian civilization that brought us Cuneiform writing, the first recorded law codes under Hammurabi, and the Epic of Gilgamesh which included a similar version of Noahs flood. WHERE: Nineveh was the capital of the Assyrian empire. The Assyrian Empire started to become unstable after the death of King Aurbanipal in 631 BC when the Babylonians ended their independence. A flood will come, 40 days or 40 years we do. Remember when the people of Nineveh repented and God spared them of their destruction? WHAT WOULD HAPPEN: Nahum said the siege of Nineveh would be lengthy. Because of the persecution, the Christian population which had existed there since the 1st century AD was removed. The infants in Thebes were dashed to pieces by the armies of Assyria, yet God brought justice to those responsible. According to the Greek historian Diodorus Siculus, who lived in the First Century BC, heavy rains had caused the Tigris River to overflow and flood part of Nineveh. They started to follow Gods teachings with all their heart. Sir Henry Rawlinson, who had been British Consul in Baghdad at the time of Rassam's nocturnal excavations at Nineveh . It was the epitome of rebellion. Later, after Jonah the Assyrians turned back to their former ways of cruelty and evil, so in the end they were destroyed as Nahum predicts. The Assyrians removed the Northern Kingdom of Israel (10 tribes) from the map in 722 BC. I wish our Christian leaders wouldnt be so preoccupied with Jonah and what Jesus says in Matthew 12which btw, only applies to those who repented and changed their ways. Y. Amar3 suggests that the connections between the two stories highlight a progression in Hashem's management of the world: This topic has not yet undergone editorial review, " " ' . One of them was in the Book of Jonah. Why did God judge Nineveh so harshly in the book of Nahum? The Medes and Babylonians did not leave one stone upon another in the ramparts, palaces, temples, or houses of the city that for two centuries had been dominant over all Western Asia. A couple escaped but were transformed into dogs. God will destroy Nineveh: Jonah 3:4, "Then Jonah began to go through the city one day's walk; and he cried out and said, "Yet forty days and Nineveh will be overthrown.". The Battle of Nineveh is conventionally dated between 613 and 611 BC, with 612 BC being the most supported date. By then, other discontent peoples were eager to enlist in the Babylonian cause, including several from what is now Iran. An article in The Guardian discussing the destruction of cultural heritage in Iraq by the Islamic State militant group (ISIS) described the destruction as a war crime. At the same time, the terrorist organization attempted to attract a sympathetic audience to gain new recruits in their homeland, while provoking reactions in the West. If you feel an answer is not 100% Bible based, then leave a comment, and we'll be sure to review it. copy, found by Austen Henry Layard at Nineveh, is shown here), Utnapishtim tells Gilgamesh of the great flood that destroyed the worlda story with detailed similarities to Noah's Flood in Genesis. Itll be very helpful for me, if you consider sharing it on social media or with your friends/family. We should be equally mindful of not only how much He loves us, but also cautious not to incur His wrath as an individual and as a group or nation. Ashley is a Scottish historian, author, and documentary filmmaker presenting original perspectives on historical problems in accessible and exciting ways. Through his jaw I passed a rope, put a dog chain upon him and made him occupy a kennel of the east gate of the inner of Nineveh. Although he had liberated Babylonia, Nabopolassar also wanted destroy its capital cities including the religious center at Aur, the first Assyrian city, and the administrative center at Nineveh. Attractive design ideal for your home, office, church . [Then the prophet Nahum sarcastically addresses his message to Nineveh . As predicted, in both the bible and the book of Nahum, the Fall of Nineveh was caused by the flooding of the Tigris River. The floodwaters took out a section of the wall, and the city became like a pool of water. By praying to God and following his teachings, the people of Nineveh got rid of God destroying them. This just means it is a short prophetical book, not that what it says is less important. Click on the title of a post to go to that post. In the early centuries of the second millennium bce, Babylon had been the dominant power in Mesopotamia and the Middle East. He allowed them to force the northern tribes into exile. What is the study of light and color called? As Greek mythology goes, the universe was once a big soup of nothingness. Feel free to create a personal profile with The Logos Blog and then share, like, and comment on the discussions that interest you. But, in the third year, rain fell in such abundance that the waters of the Tigris inundated part of the city and overturned one of its walls for a distance of twenty stades. We know the dates because Nahum mentions the fall of Thebes in Nahum 3:8 and we know that happened in 663 BC. Put out many of their eyes. Assyrian christians evangelized the whole of the Middle and Far east, starting from Syria-Iraq-Iran and eastward all the way to China, from the 700s through 1100s. So Nineveh was likely founded on rebellion towards God. Were theonlyPop Archaeology site combining scientific research with out-of-the-box perspectives. Required fields are marked *. He asks the pirate to throw him into the river. Jonah prophesied that the city would be destroyed in 40 days, but God relented in view of the city's repentance. Soon, Nabopolassar was heading an army that included the people of Susaa city-state in the foothills of the Zagros mountainsand the Scythians, mounted nomads (and formidable cavalrymen) from the steppe. He was the grandson of Ham, the son of Noah-a bold man, and of great strength of hand. Which of the following is NOT one of the Seven Wonders of the Ancient World? It wasthe original Babylon. But an understanding of their cruel methods in defeating and submitting their enemies puts them into perspective. {Nzd$Iz@#2")%#2%SL%n, UI52T'{I !> HMr"BR#r!uIR4 IC24"MHc4#-Hs"Ik!H"SH't&]]r#((yOG1t,G>TRE5D t"D')::N#/+:3,:s. Ancient Mesopotamia was a cradle of civilization in the northern part of western Asias Fertile Crescent, corresponding to modern Iraq, Kuwait, eastern Syria, southeastern Turkey and areas along the TurkishSyrian and IranIraq borders. While the world is destroyed in Bereshit, Nineveh is ultimately saved in Sefer Yonah. This city was used by Assyrian kings as their primary location to rule their territories. In Bereshit, the animals (with the exception of individual representatives) are destroyed together with the people. The Babylonians recorded plundering Nineveh. and that he would avenge himself on God for destroying their forefathers! (Ant. Thank you and God bless! Delaware County Flood Photos. The Iliad can provide new insights on the role of motherhood among the ancient Greek gods, and by extension, amongst ancient mortal Greek women themselves. God does not lie, or does his words ever change. document.getElementById( "ak_js_1" ).setAttribute( "value", ( new Date() ).getTime() ); Discussions are open to sinners only. Rebelling against the Assyrians, an allied army which combined the forces of Medes and the Babylonians besieged Nineveh and sacked 750 hectares of what was, at that time, one of the greatest cities in the world. It took 2 centuries for the city to be destroyed. This was fun what's your thoughts on all this Pablo? In digital art, I love everything from painting to vector work to pixel art to 3D modeling. I am studying the prophetical book of Nahum and I want to share what I'm learning with you. They took pride in their terror tactics and meticulously documented them. Black is Bible times. as prophesied in the Bible. Am really helped and wish to thank your whole crue for the good job done. The walls had many fortified towers. The city was sacked, and Assyrias King Sinsharushkin killed. Isaiah 8:7; Daniel 11:26, 40); or it may be an allusion to the inundation which aided the capture of the city (see note on Nahum 2:6). Addai. While Nineveh fell for the first time over 2500 years ago, destruction of the ancient city continued in 2015 when a priceless Assyrian winged bull was demolished at the Nineveh site. We are redeemed by the cross. half miles of the wall around Nineveh was right along the western bank of the Tigris River. Image Source: http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/d/df/Choghazanbil2.jpg. How Long After Jonah Was Nineveh Destroyed? Think about how long of a time period that is! The "overflowing" waters from the flood destroyed buildings near the waterside, however the city was not directly . The Assyrian king had given liberal amounts of wine to his soldiers to make them merry. He gets on a ship where shipmen followed their own god. They engaged in sorcery and witchcraft and the Assyrian people of Nineveh treated so many groups of conquered people with extreme contempt. 9 He was a mighty hunter before the LORD: wherefore it is said, Even as Nimrod the mighty hunter before the LORD. In a minute, the storm vanishes miraculously. Copyright 2002-2023 Got Questions Ministries. Assyria never rose to power again after they were defeated by the Babylonians. In my class Connecting the Dots of the Bible class I go over the keyword "lovingkindness" and the concept of "the fear of God." Susquehanna floodwater covering Route 41 near Afton, NY. This opens the eyes of the people of Nineveh and, they beg for forgiveness from God. With out-of-the-box perspectives of who destroyed Niniveh Road 26 in Nineveh, was the capital of Ancient! Destroyed in Bereshit, the Assyrians rallied around a new, would-be ruler,,! 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