which of the following dampens the strength of seniors voting and lobbying efforts quizlet


The fact that contributions have a greater effect on the types of candidates who run for office than on the partisan outcome of the election is consistent with the idea that donations are most useful on issues that are less noticed by the average voter. The federal government has raised the age for full Social Security eligibility and has also increased Social Security taxes. A paper on tariffs and monopolies by Gordon Tullock of George Mason University emphasized this ideathat both the ends and means of rent-seeking can waste resourcesnearly 50 years ago. Creative Commons Attribution License Environmental interests like the Sierra Club lobby for laws designed to protect natural resources and minimize the use of pollutants. This zero-sum transfer, however, looks worse when other factors are introduced. Since then, federal courts have begun overturning state lobbying regulations under the logic used by the Supreme Court. NRA stands for National Rifle Association. John Craig is a Research Assistant at the Center for American Progress. In Federalist No. These government institutions are represented by a legislative liaison, whose job is to present issues to decision-makers. In terms of voter suppression, 2020 was a banner year, and not just because of the volume of racially discriminatory changes and incidents. (b) How did this technology make war more destructive? Numerous surveys of lobbyists have confirmed that the vast majority rely on these inside strategies. Earlier studies support the position that campaign contributions are less likely to change voting patterns for visible and ideological issues. Hudson says that ___________ has done more to alleviate poverty and inequality among old people than any other government program. The Court found that the provisions infringe on the right of free speech and that the aggregate limits do not prevent a narrowly defined version of corruption. if(subscribe.checkValidity()) { 1999-2023, Rice University. This site is protected by reCAPTCHA and the Google Privacy Policy and Terms of Service apply. During this period, legislation requiring some type of e-waste program covering the disposal of televisions was introduced in 25 states, and it passed in twenty of those states 80% of the cases. By showing a willingness to work with a bill that an interest group opposes in its current form, the lobbyist reassures legislators who might otherwise worry about the intent of the lobbyist and the veracity of the information the lobbyist is providing.The Case of Industry Lobbying on State Legislation about Electronic WasteMy research looks at two otherwise similar types of lobbyists within the same industry: sub-groups of television manufacturers that have pursued competing lobbying strategies to influence the outcome of state-level efforts over the last decade to regulate the disposal of electronic waste. The American Conservative Union, Citizens United, the National Rifle Association, and National Right to Life are more likely to have relationships with Republican lawmakers than with Democratic ones. Such collective goods are benefitstangible or intangiblethat help most or all citizens. consent of Rice University. Minkler (1991) proposes the ideal of ________ as a way to view relations between different age groups. In the end, a zero-sum transfer from consumers to businesses becomes a negative-sum transfer after both the government and U.S. business spend a considerable amount of resources advocating for and imposing the policy. Several researchers have found that campaign contributions can directly affect policy outcomes. Rather, the vast majority of money spent on these activities comes from wealthy citizens and business interest groups. My objective here is to integrate lobbying efforts and cam-paign contributions from coalitions of Are there issues on which the membership might disagree? ________ attracts its large membership for at least two reasons. Interest groups and other policy actors employ two common strategies of persuasion: sometimes, they try to persuade legislators to kill proposed bills outright; and at other times, they try to convey information about proposed legislation to persuade legislators to modify it in preferred ways. Sign Up Corporations now spend about $2.6 billion a year on reported lobbying expenditures more than the $2 billion we spend to fund the House ($1.18 billion) and Senate ($860 million). Do any of the issues it cares about surprise you? One study found that increasing lobbying reduces a corporations effective tax rate, with an increase of 1 percent in lobbying expenditures expected to reduce a corporations next-year tax rate between 0.5 percentage points and 1.6 percentage points. The report concludes that the costs outweigh the benefits and recommends that legislation should be adopted to control the use of pesticides. Sometimes groups will utilize events to mobilize existing members or encourage new members to join. Public policies related to Social Security need to change now to prepare for future demands. They write new content and verify and edit content received from contributors. Formally, a lobbyist is someone who represents the interest organization before government, is usually compensated for doing so, and is required to register with the government in which they lobby, whether state or federal. and you must attribute OpenStax. Definitions abound when it comes to interest groups, which are sometimes referred to as special interests, interest organizations, pressure groups, or just interests. It is associated with moving bills through committees, stopping policies from passing, and achieving ultimate legislative outcomes. Senior Fellow; Senior Adviser, American Worker Project, Arohi Pathak, Marc Jarsulic, Osub Ahmed, 3 More The primary goal of much of the money that flows through U.S. politics is this: Influence. An automobile is a private good; when you purchase it, you receive ownership. Over the last several decades, some interest groups have sought greater specialization and have even fragmented. _______, ________, and _______ governments now have a web of agencies, policies, and programs to serve older people. We'll send you high-quality insights about the shifting landscape of voting and election laws. If you are redistributing all or part of this book in a print format, The purpose of this report is to catalog instances of discriminatory voting changes and practices occurring in and since 2020 and provide context for the broader political movement behind many of these changes. Many environmental groups are public interest groups that lobby for and raise awareness of issues that affect large segments of the population.16, As the clean air example above suggests, collective goods are generally nonexcludable, meaning all or most people are entitled to the public good and cannot be prevented from enjoying it. At the state level, we typically observe an inverse relationship between them in terms of power. (credit: Charlie Kaijo), National Conference of State Legislatures, Health care is an important concern for AARP and its members, so the organization makes sure to maintain connections with key policymakers in this area, such as Xavier Becerra, then-California attorney general and current, secretary of Health and Human Services, shown here (on left) with (left to right) Blanca Castro, AARP advocacy manager, California governor Gavin Newsom, and California Assembly member Jim Wood. The latter strategy is what I call constructive lobbying because lobbyists, rather than push entirely for or against a bill, offer financial or informational assistance to a legislator to signal support for passage of legislation in a modified, specifically desired form. the effects of organized lobbying efforts that often accompany contributions. Given the negative effect that rent-seeking can have on economic growth, examining the relationship between some of the primary vehicles of rent-seekingcampaign contributions and lobbyingand legislative outcomes offers a glimpse into the success of rent-seeking business strategies. These common goals do not, however, prevent individual association members from employing in-house lobbyists or contract lobbying firms to represent their own business or organization as well. Even worse, research indicates that campaign contributions and lobbying often help shape policy outcomes, which suggests that rent-seeking efforts are often successful. Senior advocacy groups can influence policy, but they have limited _______________. And these figures underestimate the total amount of money in politics, as some types of spending are not required to be disclosed and a considerable amount is spent on campaigns and lobbying at the state and local levels. This constitutes lobbying because it states a view about specific legislation. Campaign finance, lobbying, and influence. then you must include on every physical page the following attribution: If you are redistributing all or part of this book in a digital format, Associate Director, State and Local Government Affairs. Each state has its own laws describing which individuals and entities must register, so the definitions of lobbyists and interests, and of what lobbying is and who must register to do it, also vary from state to state. Most such laws, including the Federal Regulation of Lobbying Act (1946), require that lobbyists register and report contributions and expenditures and that groups whom they represent make similar reports. In 2010, the total amount spent on lobbying in the U.S. was $3.5 billion. Health is the second largest sector by spending, with $4,369,979,173 recorded in 2010. This huge sum was raised from a very small percentage of U.S. residents, with 0.12 percent of the population giving $200 or more to candidates, political parties, or political action committees and 0.02 percent giving $2,600 or more. Some members become active within a group, working on behalf of the organization to promote its agenda. Car dealers claim that these regulations allow for easier comparison shopping and protect consumers in ways that a car manufacturer would not. Research on voting behavior has shown that people who are more settled or more "connected" to society tend to vote more frequently. One explanation for the difficulty of enacting change comes from Stiglitz, who has noted that uncertainty and complexity play a large role in preventing policy changes that are good for all involved. Instead, lobbying is conducted by firms looking to affect government policy and can be quite successful. In the case of tariffs, customs agents need to be hired to administer the tariff and the U.S. Coast Guard must protect against smuggling. David Madland is Managing Director for Economic Policy at the Center. Still, contributions have a significant effect on electionsparticularly in shaping who will run in the first place. I examined lobbying efforts for all e-waste laws passed between 2004 and 2013 in the U.S. states, probing to see whether obstruction efforts or constructive lobbying influenced the outcomes of these legislative efforts. In other words, a lobbyist seeking to maintain the status quo is more than three times as influential as one seeking change. Did Peter become the new captain\underline{\text{captain}}captain of the team? The effectiveness of lobbying shows up through the channels described above. A member of the faculty visits a Member of Congress and requests on behalf of Duke that he sponsor model legislation proposed by a professional society. Torres-Gil proposes "___________" across age groups based on common needs. Anti-takeover laws are management-friendly rules that make it harder for shareholders to change the management of a corporation. Some analysts describe the growth of the older population as a "__________," a burden, or a source of intergenerational conflict. Thus, a member of the organization or a citizen concerned about voting rights need not be an expert on the legislative process or the technical or legal details of a proposed bill to be informed about potential threats to voting rights. Lobbying Data Summary Companies, labor unions, trade associations and other influential organizations spend billions of dollars each year to lobby Congress and federal agencies. The positions of American Progress, and our policy experts, are independent, and the findings and conclusions presented are those of American Progress alone. Commentators have argued that the behavior of incumbent car dealers constitutes rent-seeking that hurts consumers and solidifies inefficiencies in the car market. Similarly, other researchers have noted the difficulty of determining whether money causes electoral victories or the likelihood of winning induces campaign contributions by donors who want to support the winner. That rent-seeking is successful is a particularly serious economic concern because it both indicates that government and private resources being inefficiently used and raises the specter that a viscous cycle could take holdone where successful rent-seeking provides additional incentives to engage in further rent-seeking. Among people aged 75 and over, declines in voting occur mostly due to .. Eric Hinderaker, James A. Henretta, Rebecca Edwards, Robert O. Self, John Lund, Paul S. Vickery, P. Scott Corbett, Todd Pfannestiel, Volker Janssen, Byron Almen, Dorothy Payne, Stefan Kostka, Chemistry Chapter 13 Vocab and Key Points. The second economic concern of rent-seeking behavior is that the policy positions sought and protected create a misallocation of government or private resources. Private resources may also be misallocated. For a new firm such as Tesla to enter a market, it would either have to go through an incumbent dealership that it does not trust to sell its carsconsidering the profits dealerships make offering service of gas vehiclesor it would have to support new franchises, which would involve a significant cost for Tesla. The African American Struggle for Equality, Civil Rights for Indigenous Groups: Native Americans, Alaskans, and Hawaiians, Toward Collective Action: Mediating Institutions, Divided Government and Partisan Polarization, Collective Action and Interest Group Formation, Interest Groups as Political Participation, Free Speech and the Regulation of Interest Groups, Delivering Collective Action: Formal Institutions, The Design and Evolution of the Presidency, Presidential Governance: Direct Presidential Action, Guardians of the Constitution and Individual Rights, Judicial Decision-Making and Implementation by the Supreme Court, Bureaucracy and the Evolution of Public Administration, Understanding Bureaucracies and their Types, Institutional Relations in Foreign Policy, A Florida member of the NRA proudly displays his support of gun rights (a). Durham, NC 27710 Often, this influence is exercised by a lobbyist or a lobbying firm. "The strength of a democracy rests on voters' ability to cast their ballots, and the Accessible Voting Act makes great strides in helping people participate in our democracy," said Pennsylvania Governor Tom Wolf (D). Adherents of both perspectives tend to fall short in measuring influence. If rent-seeking is a successful strategy for businesses or individuals, it can impose great harm on society by slowing or even stopping economic growth. Some interests are more broadly focused than others. The American Beverage Association10 includes Coca-Cola, Red Bull North America, ROCKSTAR, and Kraft Foods. With the barriers that limit money in politics falling in the courts, it should be expected that even more money will be directed toward rent-seeking activities in the future. also impacts the department's enforcement efforts in two other respects. Studies of voting show that voting participation, Ninety-three percent of people age 70 and over considered _______ "a very important obligation.". In. Moreover, studies find that businesses with the most to gain from favorable public policy engage in the most political activity. On top of the concern that businesses may exert an outsized influence on policymakers, the dominance of business groups in lobbying highlights the risk of the emergence of what Marvin Ammori, a fellow at the New America Foundation, calls a corruption economy, in which firms compete over political influence rather than product innovation. Clearly, lobbying efforts are substantial. They do this mostly by lobbying congressional committees at the local, state, and national levels, usually during campaign season. In those cases, the advantage goes to the lobbyist who is defending the status quo position, and stopping policy change from occurring is one area in which lobbying has proven especially effective. A higher proportion of whites compared to minorities report voting. This book uses the (High-occupancy vehicle lanes may restrict some lanes of a highway for drivers who do not car pool.). Underline each predicate nominative in the following sentences. Economic growth depends upon an efficient use of resources. No matter who wins the competition, consumers come away with a better outcome than they had prior to the new entrant. One clear case of modern rent-seeking is car dealers attempts to prevent Tesla, the maker of premium electric vehicles, from entering local markets. Rent-seeking involves spending resources to influence a division of profits, instead of creating a good or service that other businesses or individuals are willing to pay an amount that exceeds the cost of producing said good or service. For example, nearly all report that they contact lawmakers, testify before the legislature, help draft legislation, and contact executive agencies. Changes will include all but one of the following: In the ___________, older people make up a high proportion of political officeholders, and the highest political posts often have the oldest people in them. Learn about our sister organization, the Center for American Progress Action Fund, an advocacy organization dedicated to improving the lives of all Americans. Lobbying, which has gained special attention in the United States, takes many forms. In 2015, thirteen states had their higher education budgets cut from the previous year, and nearly all states have seen some cuts to higher education funding since the recession began in 2008.8 In 2015, as in many states, universities and community colleges in Mississippi lobbied the legislature over pending budget cuts.9 These examples highlight the need for universities and state university systems to have representation before the legislature. Originally, only the increased cost on consumers was recognized as a domestic economic effect of tariffs and monopolies, as they allowed domestic firms to charge a higher price than they could with unrestrained competition. They produce and publish a report that presents the advantages, disadvantages, and economic costs of current patterns of pesticide use and significantly reduced levels of pesticides. Indeed, some argue that the 2008 financial crisisthe effects of which we are still suffering fromwas fueled by rent-seeking behavior. In the American two-party system, the Democratic and Republican Parties spread relatively wide nets to try to encompass large segments of the population. When engaging in rent-seeking from public institutions, businesses and individuals may seek favors from the government through both legal activitieslobbying and contributing to political campaignsand illegal strategiesbribery and corruption. For those who advocate greater regulation of access to firearms, such as background checks prior to gun purchases, the Brady: United Against Gun Violence is a membership organization that weighs in on the other side of the issue.7. Membership groups often consist of people who have common issues or concerns, or who want to be with others who share their views. Another study based on data from 48 different states found that a $1 corporate campaign contribution is worth $6.65 in lower state corporate taxes. First, the government must incur administrative costs to assure compliance. What triggers this waste is the fact that time, effort, and resources were diverted away from producing goods or rendering services that others are willing to pay for and instead used to influence policy for private gain. The fact that allowing more money into state elections is connected with a near-universal management preference is consistent with the idea that businesses will take advantage of weak campaign finance rules and use corporate resources to pursue policy objectives that provide narrow benefits to them but not to the economy. The lobbyist's primary goal is usually to influence policy. Whether convincing legislators directly or through their colleagues, however, the money spent on advancing policy preferences is still rent-seeking if the goal is special-interest favors. 919-416-8910, Guidelines for Duke Faculty & Staff Compliance with the North Carolina Law. Stating that the recipient should contact legislators or other government employees who may participate in the formulation of legislation for the purpose of influencing legislation; Stating a legislators address, phone number, or similar information; Providing a petition, tear-off postcard, or similar material for the recipient to send to a legislator; or, Specifically identifying one or more legislators who will vote on legislation as opposing Dukes view on the legislation, being undecided about the legislation, being the recipients representative in the legislature, or being a member of the legislative committee that will consider the legislation. For example, the NRA monitors attempts by state legislatures to tighten gun control laws. A well-functioning economy counts on new firms to enter a market and, through innovation, either offer a better product or a lower price, forcing older firms to compete to match them on one of those fronts. Michelle remembered that she had not yet --- a thank-you note to Brian. These goods are often produced collectively, and because they may not be profitable and everyone may not agree on what public goods are best for society, they are often underfunded and thus will be underproduced unless there is government involvement. Furthermore, tariffs do not come about without significant pressure from U.S. businesses, and they must also account for the expenditures that they make to bring about policy change. Updates? Binstock (2009) looked at the voting patterns of older people and found that older Americans . have not shown any tendency to vote as a bloc. The special interest tax breaks and agency regulations that are the targets of rent-seeking behavior are not always of the visible and ideological variety. Activists, by contrast, work for fundamental _____ change. It's one way different views, opinions and concerns get expressed. In addition to the previously mentioned finding that campaign donations play a role in winning government contracts and lowering tax rates, scholars have found that campaign contributions influenced votes on trade policy and banking regulations and that contributions from the banking sector were associated with a greater likelihood to vote for the Emergency Economic Stabilization Act of 2008, which bailed out the largest U.S. banks. For example, National Right to Life, an anti-abortion interest group, lobbies to encourage government to enact laws that restrict abortion access, while NARAL Pro-Choice America lobbies to promote the right of women to have safe choices about abortion. Furthermore, there have been several findings that show a clear relationship between specific instances of lobbying or campaign contributions and government favors. This does not constitute lobbying because it presents information on both sides of the issue and presents a full and fair exposition of the facts that will enable the reader to form an independent judgment. then you must include on every digital page view the following attribution: Use the information below to generate a citation. Raking, mowing, gardening Strength makes your muscles stronger. The practice of rent-seekingleveraging campaign contributions and lobbying to influence government policy for private gainhas several negative effects on the U.S. economy. Political parties and interest groups both work together and compete for influence, although in different ways. Wealthy individuals are more likely to accumulate private goods, and they can sometimes obtain private goods from governments, such as tax benefits, government subsidies, or government contracts. Rent-seeking policies may prove so destructive that they cause resources to sit idle. With billions spent on lobbying the federal government in 2013, it is unlikely that businesses and other organizations are spending this amount of money without realizing some benefit. Lobbying is not limited to Washington, DC, however, and many interests lobby there as well as in one or more states. Farm subsidies are given to some farmers because they grow certain crops and to other farmers so they will not grow certain crops.13 As expected, any bill that might attempt to alter these subsidies raises the antennae of many agricultural interests. Public officials may be buttonholed in legislative offices, hotels, or private homes. Our results demonstrate that Fam49b dampens thymocytes TCR signaling in order to escape negative selection during development, uncovering the function of Fam49b as a critical regulator of selection process to ensure normal thymocyte development. Thus, with some notable exceptions, specific interest groups have much more limited membership than do political parties. Every citizen gets one vote that counts equally. Why would competitors join together when they normally compete for business? Instead, Tesla sells cars directly to customers, cutting out an intermediary that the company believes will not sell their cars as effectively. Competing Interest Statement The authors have declared no competing interest. Complete the sentence in a way that shows you understand the meaning of the italicized vocabulary word. Sign up for The Markup, our weekly legislative update. While there is considerable disagreement about whether the Court was correct in finding that those campaign finance rules failed to prevent corruption, imposing limits on campaign financing and lobbying may be justified for another reasonpromoting productive economic activity. The mere presence of money spent seeking rentsrather than trying to productively increase profitshas a significant economic cost in its own right. Others argue that some have gained a disproportionate amount of influence over public policy, whereas many others are underrepresented. Massive public-relations campaigns employing all the techniques of modern communication may be launched to influence public opinion. Sarnata Reynolds, Caroline Medina, Molly Weston Williamson, Rachael Eisenberg, Brandon Tucker, Hadi Sedigh. But too little is understood about whether and how lobbyist. Articles from Britannica Encyclopedias for elementary and high school students. The research by Werner and Coleman also helps illustrate the kind of policy outcomes that campaign contributions are most likely to influence. Trying to influence government appointments or providing favors to members of government are somewhat less common insider tactics. According to the Center for Responsive Politics, in 2103 more than 12,000 registered lobbyists spent over three billion dollars attempting to influence the policies of the federal government; and similar efforts have been documented in the states, where both the amount and importance of lobbying has increased sharply since the late 1980s. The definition of lobbying activities includes efforts in support of lobbying contacts (e.g., ________ proposes cuts to programs for older people to free up money for the young. as "Section 1045," on the ability of retired and former general officers/flag officers (GO/FO), senior civilian equivalents, and very senior civilian equivalents to engage in lobbying activities with respect to the DoD. Despite the fact that these companies are competitors, they have common interests related to the manufacturing, bottling, and distribution of beverages, as well as the regulation of their business activities. 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